Chapter Thirty Two

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“What about these dreams you’ve been having?” I looked up to see her face but she had it buried into her notepad… her notepad which was all about me because apparently I am just that damn interesting.

“Rebecca, did you hear me?” Yeah, I’m just deciding to ignore you. I hated it here. They made me feel like something was wrong with me which I guess is a high possibility. But who likes talking to complete strangers about their problems? Not me.

“If you’re not going to talk this session is pointless.” I heard her close her notepad and stand up. I looked up to find her staring at me with her arms crossed. She had black rimmed glasses on that covered her dull eyes. She had to be at least thirty, maybe older. She dressed in plain clothing and her hair was dirty dishwater blonde. Nothing about her was appealing.

“I guess we’ll try again some other day.” She walked towards the door and I quickly stood up to follow her. I wanted out of here now and as fast as possible.

“You know you’re safe here and anything you say will stay between you and I unless it involves hurting yourself.” Maybe that’s why I don’t talk? I wonder if that ever crossed her mind. Because I knew if I did talk, that I would be put somewhere that claims they try to help people but I just couldn’t do it… there is no way in hell I could.

I continued walking until I reached the waiting area where I saw Aidan sitting alone in the chair in the far corner just looking outside. He’s been quite down lately. I guess you can say he has been mimicking me a bit. I hated it because I ruined the fun and bubbly person he was.

“Aidan?” He jerked his glance towards me and quickly rushed over to me. He smiled and then placed his hand at the small of my back and guided me to the elevators. He didn’t say a word to me which I began to get used to. It’s almost like we don’t talk anymore and that’s my fault… I know it is.

It was about a forty five minute drive back home and I was just hoping that he would talk to me on the way there so it wouldn’t be so quiet. I hate the silence sometimes because it gives Harry more of an opportunity to say something and I don’t want to hear him. I don’t want to be crazy, I don’t.

He opened the car door for me and then quickly made himself comfortable in the driver’s seat. I changed my glance towards him and waited for him to look back at me, but he never did. He didn’t even start the car… he just kept looking forward… almost like he was looking at something in shock. I tried to find what he was looking at and then there it was… This can’t be right can it? I have to be going crazy right?

“You see him too right?” I was choking back sobs as we both stared forward in complete and utter shock.

“For once, yeah, I do.” I reached my hand over to Aidan’s and squeezed tightly as this man continued to lean against the brick wall as if he was waiting for somebody. I knew exactly who it was and that scared me even more… it confirmed that he was alive and that I was seeing him because I am crazy. I am.

A giant sob escaped my lips and I turned towards the door and tried to grasp the handle but I was shaking so bad my fingers wouldn’t listen to me. I took a deep breath and slowly pulled on the handle making the door open. I stepped one foot outside and took two steps towards him. I brought my hands up to my face to wipe away the tears.

“Harry.” At first my voice was barely hearable, but I couldn’t get myself to speak any louder. I took a few more steps forward, hoping to be loud enough this time.

“Harry!” I could see his brown curls quickly turn towards my direction. At first he didn’t move, he just stared at me. I almost doubted it was him until I saw him running towards me. I got a few steps in until he reached me. He wrapped his arms around me and lifted my feet off of the floor. I buried my head into his neck letting out every emotion I was feeling.

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