Chapter Six

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       “Rebecca, wake up! Rebecca?!” I was so confused. I had no idea of what just happened… but then it hit me. Harry and Jeremy… shit.

“Becca, please love, wake up!” I felt like I was in a boat that was rocking back and forth. I almost felt like I was getting sea sick. What the hell is happening? I am trying to open my eyes, but my eyelids aren’t listening to me. It’s like my brain isn’t sending the message to get the hell up and run to the rest of my body. I felt completely, and totally, immobilized. C’mon, please, just let me open my eyes. I tried my hardest to get them to open. I began to open them, slowly but surely I could feel them opening.

“Rebecca, please!” Who is calling my name? I tried even harder, forcing my eyelids to listen. I opened my eyes to see a blood covered Harry hovering over me. Holy shit. Was that his blood? Or was that Jeremy’s?

“Rebecca! Thank god your alive!” I tried to speak his name; I tried to spit the words out of my mouth. I wanted to know what had happened. I began to study Harrys face harder, since my eyes were my only tool to use at that moment. I looked at his beautiful green eyes, and I could tell his right one was swollen and black. I winced at the thought of Jeremy hitting my beautiful Harry. I looked at his perfect lips, and noticed a gash on the lower left lip.

“Rebecca, say something…” My hand finally listens to me, and I reached for his. I grabbed his hand, and squeezed it a couple times. I was trying to reassure him that I was alright. He was the one that needed help. There is no way that Jeremy is worse off than him.

“Beccy?” I heard a little voice say from behind me. “Beccy… Are you okay?” It was Danny. My body had to listen to me now. I managed to prop myself up on my elbows, and then up onto my knees, moving myself into the other direction while doing this. I looked at him in awe, has he always been this big?

“Danny?” I just started at him, with a blank expression on my face. I wasn’t sure want to think, was mother home too? Had she returned with him? I could see the look on Danny’s face, he was so frightened. Did he walk into Harry and Jeremy fighting?

“Danny baby, come here.” I opened my arms, welcoming a warm embrace from my beloved brother.  “I missed you so much Danny.” I began crying, not being able to control the tears. Danny pulled away from me, and took his shirt and wiped away the tears.

“It’s okay Beccy. “ He smiled at me, making me smile back. I loved this little child with all of my being, and seeing him in front me… I just couldn’t handle it. I wanted to tell him I loved him, I wanted to tell him how much he meant to me, but the sobs I was already choking back, wouldn’t allow me. I grabbed Danny again, and hugged him as tight as I could.

“Beccy! I... can’t… brreeathheee!” I loosened my grasp, but didn’t let go. “I love you so much Danny.”

“I love you too sissy.” I heard him giggle, which made me laugh. Oh how much I adored this child. I momentarily forgot about Harry standing behind me.

“Hey Danny, why don’t you go to your room and play with some of your toys, I’m sure you missed them!” I didn’t even have to say that whole sentence, because once I said toys, he ran straight off to his room. I stood up and turned around to face Harry.

“What the hell happened?” I was so angry with him because of what he did. I told him no, I told him to stay!

“I tried Rebecca... I really tried to protect you.”



     “You’re a poor excuse for a man.” I yelled across to Jeremy, and then started moving in towards him. How dare he touch Rebecca like that! That bloody bastard. I was a mere two feet away from his face when I heard a thump; I turned for a brief moment, seeing Rebecca lying on the ground. There was a small blood pool surrounding her arm. Then I felt it, a blow straight to the face. God dammit that hurt.

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