Chapter Five

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   We’ve been driving down the same road for at least thirty minutes. Not one word has been shared between the two of us. I just sat there in the passenger seat looking out the window, watching the scenery.

“We’re here Rebecca,” I looked over and saw him staring at me. “Where exactly is here Harry?”

“You’ll see.” I was pretty confused because all I saw in front of me was grass, and the sun slowing setting. I heard Harry get out of the car but I didn’t really acknowledge it until he opened my door.

“C’mon, let’s go watch the sunset.” You’ve got to be kidding me? Is he really going to be this cheesy right now? I did as I was told and got out of the car, with the help of Harry’s hand.

“Did you really drive me all the way out here just to-” and then I saw it. We were on top of a cliff, overlooking the whole town. I can’t even explain how beautiful it looked.  I slowly kept walking forward, getting closer and closer to the edge. Then I took a seat, right on the ground, feeling the soft grass below me.

“Wow Harry, it’s so beautiful.” I glanced up at him, to see him looking at me, and not the view.

“Yes, it is. I found this place when I first moved here about a week ago. I wasn’t happy about being here, so I left, and wondered around the city, finding this little piece of heaven. Anytime I feel sad, or down now, I come here, and it always makes me feel better. I’m not sure why, but it does.” I didn’t reply to him, maybe I should have, but I didn’t. The view was so memorizing.

“Hey Becca?” I looked up at him, managing a questioning facial expression. “Yeah?” My face was full of question.

“Are you going to tell me what happened?” He wasn’t looking at me now, but instead he was looking out into the sunset. He was standing up still, so it was hard to really look at him. The sun was hitting his face, making his facial features stand out even more. I could tell that he wasn’t smiling, and he had his hands in his jean pockets. Just then I noticed what he was wearing... dark wash jeans, with a white V-neck t-shirt, that did him so much justice, and those white converse that I saw him in that first day. I guess I took to long to reply, because he turned his head and looked down at me.

Once again our eyes locked. His beautiful green eyes, locked on my light blue ones. He bent down so that we were at the same eye level, and then reached his arms out to grab me. He pulled me up off the ground so that I was standing. I looked at him, question raging in my eyes.

His hands were still on my biceps, and he wasn’t letting go I thought, until he wrapped his arms around me and gave me hug. A much invited hug. I returned the embrace, and wrapped my arms around his waist, burying my face into his t-shirt. I didn’t cry, and I didn’t sob. I had no tears left to fall out of my eyes. I had nothing left to give. He just held me, and didn’t let go. I could hear his heartbeat, and it was beating really fast. His sallow breath was hitting my neck.  

“Are you okay Harry?” My voice was a little muffled due to me being pressed against his body, but I got no response. Why should he respond to me, when I never respond to him? I tried to pull away from the hug so I could look at his face, but he just held me tighter. I agreed with the tighter embrace, and moved my hands so that one was higher on his back then the other, and I squeezed him hard, and then I heard him laugh... that raspy, amazing laugh that I haven’t heard the whole time we’ve been together today. He then let go, moving his hands down to my waist, and my hands sat on his biceps.We were extremely close to one another, and I was trying to block out the pain from my right side, I didn’t want him to let go.

I wasn’t looking into his eyes; I was more looking towards the ground. My head was bowed down, and then I felt his left hand lift up off my side, relieving some of my pain. Then I felt his hand under my chin, forcing me to look up at him. I obeyed, and looked up.

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