The First Battle Part 1

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Izuku laid down on the floor. His head was spinning and he could see double of everything. It must have been the drawback for using the quirk to much.

User can pause time and be able to move and do whatever they like while time is paused. Timepause only works for ten seconds before time restarts again.

Using what he knew, he trained the quirk to be able to pause time for 1 minute. However, he could only use the quirk five times in a day before suffering drawbacks. Izuku got up and staggered towards the door about to open it until he heard voices. Giran must have come by with some new recruits and by the sound of Shigaraki's voice, you could tell that one of them had pissed him off.

Izuku waited for a few minutes before opening the door, he expected to be met with an empty bar but luck was just never on his side. Instead he was met with a girl who looked not to that older than him, a guy who wore staples, another man who seemed to be cosplaying Deadpool and some rip-off teenage mutant turtle. They all turned around and started at him, their eyes piercing into his skin. He gulped and felt sweat slide down his face until the floor. He put his gaze on the ground and quickly walked to the door before making his way through the hallway that led to his cell.


The Class 1A kids were all talking excitedly on the bus, all wondering what lay ahead for them. The conversations soon ceased when the bus came to an abrupt stop, they were instructed to come of and they were surprised to see that they weren't actually at the place but on top of a cliff. Their minds whirled with questions but they soon came to a stop upon arrival of four cat-like superheroes. The Wild, Wild Pussycats.

So it turned out that the whole getting them of the bus thing was to throw them of the cliff, literally. They had to fight some sand monster thingies while journeying through the forest for 6 hours when they were told they'd be done in 3 just to be told it was counted in how long it would take the pros. The actual audacity of these people.


"You ready?"

"Yeah, let's do this."


Momo was walking around in the dark alone, her partner had ditched her after a scare and now she was by herself. As she walked on she couldn't help but feel that she was being watched by something or someone and it didn't help that she was alone in a dark forest and it definitely didn't help when she felt something touch her shoulder. She froze and shook her head, it was probably someone from Class 1B attempting to scare her. She turned around with a huge smile on her face ready to laugh at the student's face when they discovered that they didn't manage to scare her but no sooner did she turn around did her smile drop. There was a man grinning at her and he was definitely not from Class 1B.

Momo tried to scream but she couldn't, she tried to move but she couldn't, she couldn't do anything. The man's smile only seemed to grow and soon she felt hot, really hot as if she was in a room where the heater had been left on for a long time. She then felt like she was burning as if she was out on a day when the scorching sun was out. The man's smile grew even wider and blue flames erupted out of him engulfing Yaoyorozu in flames. After a few seconds he moved his hand to the forest, his flames reaching up to the sky and moving quickly through his half of the forest. He rubbed his nape before walking away leaving behind a pile of dust.


Students began to drop down like flies, pink smoke had made it's way through the other half of the forest taking them out one by one. The only one that seemed to be left was Tetsutestsu his quirk had allowed him to be able to survive so long but he didn't know how much longer he could hold on. He moved deeper and deeper into the pink smoke trying to find where the heart of it was. If he could stop whoever was causing this then he'd be able to stop this nightmare once and for all. He advanced farther into the pink fog. Bingo. There they were, the person he needed to take down.

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