Recovery and Punishment

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He made contact with the wall and cried out in pain but it was only there for a moment before his healing quirk kicked in. However, some of the pain still lingered. Is this how All Might felt?

Izuku pushed himself of the ground wobbling as he attempted to stand up. He could've fought back if he wanted to but be knew it he did his punishment would be worse than it was already. How did All Might still manage to take a fighting stance despite being in this condition?

He was kicked in jaw than punched in the gut before Shigaraki called of the Nomu. This is what he got for failing to do what he was supposed to do. He had one job and AFO gave permission to Tomura to deal with him how he felt fit and this was it. This was what he got for failing to doing what he was supposed to do.


Izuku staggered across the room while the rest of LOV watched him. They felt a twange of pity for the boy but they shook it of. He was a Nomu whether or not he still looked like a human, felt feelings like a human and was still in control like a human.


They watched as his chest barely rose up and down and how he shifted in-between life and death. The only thing stopping him from dying was the machine he was hooked to. The doctors did the best they could to treat his condition and they were barely to save his left lung. If he was to wake up he might never been able to his hero work. Whoever this kid was definitely meant to kill him and if All Might's condition continued in the way it was going then he would definitely succeed. And if All Might died than society would be in shambles.


Bakugou sat at the edge of his bed running his hand through his hair. All Might had still not woken up. Everyone had decided to visit him except for him. He felt guilty, as if it he was his fault. Cause it was. If he hadn't been weak and gotten himself kidnapped than maybe All Might would still be standing high and mighty with a huge smile on his face. Maybe if he wasn't so weak he could've saved Shouji from his untimely death. Sure Yaoyorozu, Tetsutestsu and Kota died to but no matter how much he didn't want to admit it but their deaths were inevitable although, Shouji's might not have been just like All Might's injuries.

Actually now that he thought about it maybe all the deaths and injuries could've been avoided if he had just sucked up his pride and accepted Todoroki lost to him using only his left side even if he wanted him to use both sides. Actually they wouldn't have happened at all. It was all his fault.

But he knew that it was all that green haired freak's fault that All Might was in a coma so when next he saw him he was going to pummel him and avenge All Might. Yes, that's exactly what he was going to do.


It had been a few weeks since the Kamino incident and everything had gone back to normal. Well, as normal as things could get. Class 1A no longer had a Class Representative and they now had four dead classmates. Tokoyami was traumatized and would always go into a state of panic at the mention of Shouji's name. He even refused to call upon Dark Shadow until last week. Parents and the public were losing faith in UA and it took a lot of convincing to get the student's parents to allow their kids into the dorm system. Little did they know, little did they all know, that this was just the beginning.

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