You've started a war, heroes

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A/N: Spoiler warning for anyone who hasn't watched Season 5.

Both sides of the war charged at each other. The pros and kids were dodging attacks from both the nomus and the League. Even if they were to make it past the League they'd be stopped immediately by the million of nomus guarding the area that led to where Izuku was being held. Everywhere was chaotic. What was supposed to be a simple rescue mission had been turned into a battle ground. The building which was once a Nomu factory had been destroyed, turned into nothing but rubble.

On one side of the battle ground, members had been hurt. Comrades were pulling each other out of the debris carrying each other to safety, crying out for someone to come treat them. Some watched as their own friends lives had been taken from them, right in front of them. This, this was madness. Something that was inevitable, something that would've happened sooner or later. No matter what they wanted to believe, they didn't prepare for this. For there to be so many hurt, for there to be so many lives lost,  for there to be so much bloodshed.

And to think this was for all one boy. All this pain and suffering. You'd think they'd retreat and try again later but no, they stayed and they fought. They fought for not their own lives but someone elses. Cause that's what heroes are supposed to do their supposed to, save people even if it's just one person.


They'd been at it for hours and the LOV had lost a lot of nomus. They knew that if they didn't do something about it soon they'd be overpowered and that's something they couldn't afford at all cost. Just when they thought they were screwed, that they had lost, the ground began to shake.

"Sorry I'm late to the party," All the fighting ceased and they all turned to the direction of the voice, "but I had to pick up some very special guests." The heroes' jaws dropped and the villians smirked. Gigantomachia. And just when they thought that all was lost. All For One had an ace up his sleeve. Of course he had an ace up his sleeve, this was AFO they were talking about. When didn't he have an ace up his sleeve. The villians looked back at the heroes who were gaping up at Gigantomachia. This fight had become a bit more interesting.


The heroes smiled as they watched the number of Nomus begin to dwindle. Soon enough they'd be able to get get the better of the LOV, apprehend them and then save Izuku. This wasn't something they had anticipated but they wouldn't let that stop them. They'd finish what they started so their comrades sacrifices wouldn't be for nothing. They were about to serve the final blow when, the ground started to shake and a voice started to speak. They all turned towards the sound and that, that was something they definitely hadn't anticipated.

Gigantomachia. That's what they called him. He was a huge man that looked like he could send them all flying with one breath. The heroes looked to see AFO standing on the things shoulder, grinning at them. This was certainly not going to end well. Not even a few moments later the sky filled with super looking Nomus. Nomus that looked more powerful than the ones they had been facing before. Yep, this wasn't going to end well.


The heroes had thought that the fight before was the war but they were wrong. That was the battle, this was the war. And if so many people had been lost during the battle, what hope was there of them surviving the war. Well they were about to find out.

Millions of low-end nomus began to rain from the sky, the heroes dodging them to avoid getting squashed. Then they attacked, both the high-end and low-end nomu. They picked up heroes and flung them, smashing into either each other or the debris. This was no longer just a fight to avenge those who had fallen and rescue Izuku, this was now also a fight for survival.


A/N: Hi guys! How was your day today? I just started school today and I'm already burnt out 😅. Anyway, I tried to write a fight scene but I suck at those so I hope that what I did write sufficed. I'll try to get the next chapter out soon but I'm not actually to sure when I'll get motivation again to write a new chapter. Hopefully it won't be to long but we never know. Thanks for reading my story, I hope you enjoy your day/night.

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