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Izuku stirred awake, opening his eyes slowly. Squinting, he looked around the room. He couldn't make out the room properly but he was able to tell that this wasn't his room. He was in a lab that he had never been in before. Stretching, Izuku jumped down from the bed resulting in a big clash.


He sighed, as he watched the blue liquid spread across the floor. There was glass shards all over the floor as well and all Izuku could do was shake his head. Whatever that was, it was important meaning that he was definitely going to get in trouble once Dr Kyudai found out.

Izuku walked towards the door and took one last look at the mess he made before exiting out of the room. Maybe if he trained and Kyudai found him doing so then they'll go easier on him. Bang. He snapped out of his trail of thoughts and looked around. 'What was that sound?'. Boom. Small dust particles fell down and that made Izuku even more alert, just what was going on up there? Pausing to think, he decided to go upstairs and see what it was causing so much noise.

As he ascended up the stairs, more and more dust particles rained down. When he got to the last flight of stairs, dust came raining down heavily making it impossible to see but he still pushed forward. Once he finally made it to the top of the stairs, Izuku's jaw dropped. The room that must have once been there was reduced to nothing but rubble. He looked around to see that the whole area had become a wasteland. Everywhere around him pros and heroes in training where fighting to the death and quite literally. He watched as people held the bodies of their fallen comrades swearing to avenge them. He watched as some of them ran with the bodies of the injured attempting to get them to safety and treated as quickly as possible.

What he didn't understand was why. Why were they here? Why were they fighting to the death? Why weren't they retreating? He turned his head to see the LOV perched on the back of Gigantomachia. Why weren't they retreating? Why weren't they fighting? To many questions, to many noises, Izuku clutched his head. His head pained really badly and then someone called out his name. Where was it coming from? He searched the battlefield to see it was a pro hero. Izuku squinted his eyes to see they were waving at him to come over. But why? Why did he want him to come over? He didn't hesitate to start running over though. Finally after so long, he'd be free. Although, he couldn't help but ask, why. Why was this happening? Why was no one stopping him from making his way over?

Then he heard it. Loud and clear. AFO called out to Izuku telling him to come back. But he ignored him and  kept running. This might be the only chance he got to escape and he wasn't going to let it pass so he kept running. 'You wanna know why so many of these poor heroes are dying?', Izuku kept running. 'It's because of you', that made him stop dead in his tracks. It all made sense now, they were here to save him which was why they didn't back down. Which was why they didn't retreat. But again, Izuku couldn't understand why. Why did they want to save him, he'd been nothing but trouble. Why didn't they just retreat and then come back another time, there might've been another opportunity.

Why. The same hero that called out to him started running towards him and soon a lot more of them joined in. Why. Nomus stood in there away but still they persevered. Why. They took down the Nomu and he could see the determination written on all of their faces. Why. Tears slid down Izuku's face as he watched them continue to sprint towards him. Izuku was about to take of running again but something stopped him and he found that he couldn't move but he didn't know why. He didn't know why he couldn't move but he didn't like it, not one bit.

'It's cause you know that if you run to them you'll ruin their lives even more.' Izuku turned his head to see AFO grinning. That same grin he used all those years ago to make him seem like he was harmless. That same grin that made it seem like he could take all your problems go away. That same grin which was the reason why he was in this situation in the first place. Truth be told, maybe if he studied his grin a little more then he would've seen the malice behind it. He would've been able to see the evil intent behind it.

'You know that what would be best for everyone was if you came back to us.' Izuku knew he was right, that all this would be over if he just went back to the LOV. It also meant the heroes wouldn't have to experience anymore losses anytime soon. He turned to the direction of the LOV but found that he wasn't able to move but this time, he knew why. He looked back at the heroes calling out to him, begging and pleading with him to come to them. He couldn't move because he owed it to them to go with them so their comrades wouldn't have all died in vain so they didn't fight for so long just to not end up with what they had been fighting for.

As both sides of the war cried out to him, one side begging and the other demanding for him to come with them. All Izuku could do was think why. Why had it come down to this? Why?


A/n: I want to apologies for taking so long to release a new chapter. I just didn't know what to write. I'd also like to say thank you all for 1k+ reads. I never actually thought I'd get that many reads. I hope you all enjoyed this chapter, have a good day/night.

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