𝐼.𝑏𝑖𝑔 𝑡𝑖𝑚𝑒 𝑎𝑢𝑑𝑖𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛

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olivia fernow walked out to the pool with her earbuds in her ears, listening to music and trying to drain out the world around her

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olivia fernow walked out to the pool with her earbuds in her ears, listening to music and trying to drain out the world around her. She just had a four-hour rehearsal with her manager/father and wanted to do nothing but relax at the pool. She found a chair near the poolside and sat down, laying back and shutting her eyes. olivia has been working hours upon hours on her music and her father won't let her take any breaks until it's finished. sometimes she thinks her father sees her more as a client than his daughter and it upsets her.

"uh, who's that?" james asked, pointing to the blonde singer. a new boy band had arrived at the palm woods and were relaxing by the poolside, enjoying the new environment and atmosphere, compared to one in Minnesota.

tyler, a child actor hiding from his mom, looked at olivia and smiled softly.

"olivia fernow," he sighed, resting his chin on his hand. "palm woods most beloved musician and the prettiest girl here."

all four boys were entranced by the blonde, who's hair blew against the gentle breeze and her tan skin shined against the sunlight.

"i think I've heard of her," logan mentioned. "she just released a hit single, right? can't blame a girl for trying?"

"she did," tyler nodded, before he dug his hand in the trash can he was in and pulled out a orange. "let me get her attention."

"no, don't-"

kendall tried to stop him, but tyler had already thrown the orange and it hit olivia right on the forehead. the five boys all cringed as olivia yelped and sat up, rubbing her head and pulling her earbuds out.

"who threw that?!" olivia called and no one answered, besides tyler, who hid in the trash can again.

"that's my cue!" tyler said and was gone, leaving the four boys alone to deal with the blonde singer.

"tyler!" james, logan, and kendall scolded the young boy.

carlos hadn't said a word, because he was to busy staring at olivia. he thought she was beautiful and couldn't take his eyes off her. james noticed carlos and smacked his head, which took him out of his trance and looked at james.


"you're staring."

"can you blame him?" kendall mentioned.

"guys, she's coming over here!" logan panicked as olivia approached the four with the orange in her hand.

"hey," she greeted them and the four boys straightened up.

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