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I ended up exchanging numbers with Louis, but he was still in a disbelief haze even after I called him to prove that it was really my number.

We spent the whole trip talking and getting to know each other. He was twenty-four, turning twenty-five on Christmas eve. He had a sister called Charlotte, he calls her Lottie though, he showed me a picture of her, I think she's pretty but Louis is still prettier to me. His mother passed away last year due to some illness he didn't mention, which was so upsetting as he seemed to be attached to her. A sparkle seemed to shine in Louis' eyes when he mentioned his mother and sister and it was very beautiful and special. Not a lot of men appreciated family.

He didn't mention his father though and I didn't ask about it to respect his privacy, however, he mentioned that he lived with his stepfather Mark and Lottie, but he didn't d seem to have a nice relationship with him.

I also found out that his favourite colour was green, he likes partying, his best friend was Zayn and he used to think that Christmas lights were lit to celebrate his birthday which was endearing but funny at the same time so when I laughed loudly I earned an eye roll along with an annoyed "hey I was a child!" in a really thick accent.

I tried to tell him things about myself too but Louis seemed to know everything, even my blood type to my surprise. So I instead told him some of my memories that I never shared on social media or in interviews. He is special.


I was listening to Harry's interesting stories about his childhood and holidays laughing as he seemed to be clumsier than we all thought when I noticed that the train was slowing down, I looked around and saw that everyone was getting up to get their bags.

It was upsetting that the trip was coming to an end, I really wanted to spend more time with Harry, I mean what are the chances of seeing him again? I'm pretty sure we'd never actually text too, he probably was just being nice.

"Louis, Louis!" I snapped off my thoughts looking at his worried face.

"Are you okay? What's wrong?" He asked seeming truly concerned.

"Yeah, n-nothing." I really hope that it's not obvious that I'm close to crying now, this was so beautiful that I never wanted it to end.

"It's okay love, you can tell me." His voice was as warm as his palm as he held my hand again and I noticed that we were alone, everyone was exiting the train.

"We got here." I motioned at the window.

"Oh," he looked out then back at me, "it's not the end Lou, we'll meet again." Lou. When did we start giving each other nicknames?

I nodded even though I didn't believe it, I shouldn't disturb him with my oversensitivity now.

He got up and so I did as well, willing to get my suitcase. "Do you want a hug?" He asked and I whipped my head towards him nodding frantically, "yes please," I whispered. I didn't mean for it to sound that desperate though.

Harry immediately embarrassed me with a hug, he felt so warm and something else I couldn't seem to figure out. He smelled like vanilla and roses, maybe something like his perfume Gucci Mémoire d'une Odeur, and that made me calm down hugging him back, a little bit too tight for my intention, just breathing in his calming scent.

I felt his hot breath on my ear as he tilted his head whispering, "I promise I'll see you again."

I nodded again, this time believing him, he can't be lying, it sounded very honest.

We broke away when people started to fill up the train then got our bags and exited.

"Where are you staying?" He asked once we were out.

Shit, I haven't thought about that. I couldn't stay in a hotel as I couldn't use my name anywhere.

"Uh I don't know, I'll find somewhere," I replied even though I wasn't too sure of that.

"I know some good places if you want," he offered with a warm smile and I thought, he's famous; he definitely knows somewhere where I wouldn't have to use my ID or can keep my identity a secret at least.

"Actually, I need help," I stated, "I need somewhere where they can keep my identity a secret, I don't want Mark to find me." He still doesn't know why I'm here though and I'm grateful he didn't question it.

He nodded bringing his hand up and pinching his chin between his thumb and index finger as he pursed his lips; a face he made when he was thinking about something. He then took his phone and his fingers tapped quickly on the screen as he seemed to be texting someone. All that while I was standing awkwardly watching him. His makeup was starting to fade away from all the times he touched his face.

"I'll text you the address," he finally looked at me smiling.

"Thank you so much, Harry," I smiled gratefully "you're a saviour."

"You owe me a date then," he winked walking away, "see you soon!"

I watched him disappear through the crowd of people with that wide goofy smile for a moment as my brain replayed what he said in my head.

Wait, did he say a date?


Thank you for reading, hope everyone is having/had a nice day x

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