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"Oh my God, another fan!" Anne whispered to herself as she opened the door.

How did Louis recognise me if my own mother didn't? Harry thought to himself.

"I swear that Harry's not here, love and I, unfortunately, can't let you in, I'm sorry." Anne smiled trying to be as kind as possible. She was getting fed up with fans showing up at her door.

"Mum it's me," Harry said giggling.

"Is this a new trick now?" She looked at him suspiciously which made him laugh.

"No, it's really me, Harry." He giggled again showing his dimples.

It was just a matter of seconds before he was startled by a tight welcoming hug. "Harry, my boy! What a lovely surprise!" Anne said loudly with hints of joy in her voice. However, Harry was sure now that all the neighbourhood knew that he was home now.

Yet, he smiled hugging her back. "I missed you," he stated sincerely.

"I missed you too, love." She pulled away and dragged him in, "come on in!"

Harry put his bag down and looked around, nothing changed as usual. "I just need to use the loo for a second then I would be right back," he informed her kissing her cheek.

"I would make us some tea then," she said smiling back and headed to the kitchen.

Harry went to the bathroom, took the contacts off and washed his face then looked at himself in the mirror and smiled. "Better," he whispered before making his way back to his mother to catch up while sharing a couple cups of warm tea on the terrace.


On the other side Louis took a taxi to the address Harry texted him. It was a little house not too far from his own neighbourhood, warm and cosy giving the feeling of home. Somewhere like the house he shared with his mother –when it was just both of them– before she started her business with Mark and one of the many he had in his dreams that involved her.

The owner was a very kind old lady that Louis got along with as she reminded him of his grandmother. They agreed on the rent and she offered to bring him food, after all, Louis was a disaster in the kitchen.

He settled down after she left and then decided to go out and explore the area. He liked the place, it was calm and the people seemed nice and welcoming. It reminded him of Doncaster.

He did some grocery shopping and got himself something to eat from a nearby restaurant on his way home. Home, this way felt like home more than his mansion. Thinking of that, he fetched his phone and texted Zayn and Lottie that he got there and settled, promising to call later to tell them about it all.


"So now you're telling me that Harry Styles takes the train?" Lottie said raising an eyebrow and Zayn laughed. It was evening and he was FaceTiming them as promised.

Louis rolled his eyes but replied anyway,  "I told you he was trying to be a normal person."

"Yeah yeah," Zayn said, "so, are you friends with him now?"

"I don't know," he sighed, "he said we would meet again."

Louis was not planning on telling them about the date part yet, it was not like they didn't know that he was gay or that Harry didn't d put a label on his sexuality, well if they ever listened to his rumblings about him. He just wanted to keep it to himself, he also was not sure if Harry meant it anyway.

"Well at least you'd stop wasting all your money on his merch and tickets to his concerts," Lottie said and Zayn agreed, "yeah how many concerts did you attend on this Tour?"

"Just three, and it's not like he would give me anything for free," Louis rolled his eyes when a 'Haz🌻' appearing on the top of the screen caught his attention. Harry texted him.

"I have to go," he said quickly hanging up and opening the chat between him and Harry.

Haz🌻: Hii, did you like the place?

Louis felt butterflies in his stomach, Harry was checking on him. Meanwhile, Harry was laying on his bed after he had said goodnight to his mother. He just felt an urge to talk to Louis again.

Lou☁️: Hey, yeah it's nice here. Thank you for the mediation.

Harry smiled, Louis was making him feel like a teenager again.

Haz🌻: Anytime! What are your plans for tomorrow?

Was Harry planning to meet him tomorrow?

Lou☁️: Dunno, maybe explore.

Haz🌻: Do you need a tour guide?;)

Yes, he was. And Louis might or might not let out a yelp of excitement.

Lou☁️: yes!
Lou☁️: I mean yes I can use some help.

"Great Harry must think I'm desperate now." Louis facepalmed internally. Harry didn't though, he just mumbled "cute" with a fond smile.

Haz🌻: See you tomorrow at nine then, we're having breakfast first!

Lou☁️: See you, have a good night, Harry.

Haz🌻: night Lou x

"He sent kisses!" Louis thought he was still in heaven and  Harry thought tomorrow would be a nice day as they both fell asleep with each other on their minds and a smile on their lips.


Thank you for reading, hope everyone is having/had a nice day x

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