Why Are We Here?

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3rd Person POV:

In the of nowhere, in a small box Canyon stood two bases on either side. On one side of the canyon were the "Blue Base" and "Red Base" which currently had two soldiers standing on top of it. Both soldiers appeared to be wearing Advance UNSC Spartan Armour. The soldier standing on the right was a total fat-ass in orange armor and the soldier on the left was in maroon armor. These two were known as Grif and Simmons, they were standing in silence and just stare at the open canyon, till Simmons turns his head towards Grif.

 These two were known as Grif and Simmons, they were standing in silence and just stare at the open canyon, till Simmons turns his head towards Grif

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Simmons: Hey.

Grif: Yeah?

Simmons: You ever wonder why we're here?

Grif: It's one of life's great mysteries, isn't it? Why ARE we here? I mean, are we the product of... some cosmic coincidence, or... is there really a God? Watching everything? Y'know, with a plan for us, and stuff? I dunno man. But it keeps me up at night.

Simmons just stares at him with confusion and then he said something.

Simmons: What? I meant, why are we out here, in this canyon?

Grif: Oh, uh... yeah.

Simmons: What was all that stuff about God?

Grif: Uh... Hmm? Nothing.

Simmons: You wanna talk about it?

Grif: No.

Simmons: You sure?

Grif: Yeah.

Simmons: Seriously though, why are we out here? As far as I can tell, it's just a box canyon in the middle of nowhere, with no way in or out.

Grif: Mm-hmm.

Simmons: The only reason that we set up a Red base here is because they have a Blue Base over there. And the only reason they have a Blue base over there is because we have a Red base here.

Grif: Yeah, that's because we're fighting each other.

Simmons: No, no, but I mean, even if we were to pull out today, and they were to come take our base, they would have TWO bases in the middle of a box canyon. Whoop-dee-fucking-doo.

Grif: What's up with that, anyway? I mean, I signed on to fight some aliens. Next thing I know, Master Chief blows up the whole Covenant armada, and I'm stuck in the middle of nowhere, fighting a bunch of blue guys.

Up above them, three soldiers were watching Grif and Simmons from a cliff, one was using a sniper rifle and in cobalt armor, Church, another standing behind him was wearing aqua, Tucker, and the third was standing next to Tucker wearing Green armor, Gabriel or Gabe.

Up above them, three soldiers were watching Grif and Simmons from a cliff, one was using a sniper rifle and in cobalt armor, Church, another standing behind him was wearing aqua, Tucker, and the third was standing next to Tucker wearing Green armo...

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(A/N): Imagine Gabriel is next to Tucker

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(A/N): Imagine Gabriel is next to Tucker.

Tucker: What are they doing?

Church(Aggravated): What?

Tucker: I said, "What are they doing now?"

Gabe: Bro, you've been asking that question for the last five minutes it's getting annoying.

Tucker: He has the fucking rifle, I can't see shit! Don't bitch at me because I'm not going to just sit up here and play with my di-

Church: Okay, okay, look... They're just standing there and talking, okay? *Gets angrier* That's all they're doing. That's all they EVER do, is just stand there and talk. That's what they were doing last week. That's what they were doing when you asked me five minutes ago. So minutes from now, when you ask me "What are they doing?", my answer's gonna be, "They're still just talking, and they're still just standing there."

The three of them stay silent.

Gabe: ...You guys done now?

Church: Yes.

Gabe: Good.

Tucker looks down onto the ground and then right back at Chruch.

Tucker: ...What are they talking about?

Church: ...You know what? I fucking hate you.

Gabe: *Sighs* Ellos son idiotas. I should've just come alone.

Back at Red Base

Grif and Simmons were still talking to one another.

Grif: Talk about a waste of resources. I mean, we should be out there finding new and intelligent forms of life. Y'know, fight them.

Simmons: Yeah, no shit. That's why they should put us in charge.

Below them, their CO in red armor, Sarge, calls them.

Below them, their CO in red armor, Sarge, calls them

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Sarge: Ladies! Front and center on the double!

Simmons: Fuck.

Grif: Yes, sir!


(A/N): That was chapter one of the RvB Story. Let me know what you guys think. 

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