Chapter 5

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   I slap my hand over my mouth to stiffle my laughter. Paris falls back on the loveseat he's currently sitting on, and holds his sides as he laughs. For the past two hours Paris and I have been talking and getting to know eachother, and I have to say Paris was right that it would be calmer in here. At first I was reluctant, seeing as he was almost a complete stranger, but in the end it was worth it and I was having one of the funnest nights of my life.

"I can't believe you actually did that." I splutter, trying to recover from my laughter, giggles slipping past my lips every few seconds. Paris nods and smiles at me, and once again my heart flutters at the sight. I can feel my smile fade as I stare at him and he gives me a curious look.

"Hey, are you ok?" He asks scooting forward in his seat, worry evident in his face. I blink and clear my throat before turning away and grabing my drink from the side table. I take a sip to distact myself and immediately the taste smothers my taste buds and I gag. Paris shakes his head and chuckles. He reaches over and grabs the cup from my hand and drinks it down in three seconds flat. I gawk at him before pouting.

"That was mine." I point out. Truthfully, I don't really care, but he could have asked.

"Was." He says, smirking at me and winks. I blush and mutter under my breath, trying to come up with a response, when the sunporch door opens allowing pop music to flow into the room. I look up to see that its Jamie and Trey, both looking embarrassed and akward. I'm tempted to ask what's wrong, but decide against it and smile at them.

"Hey guys!" I wave at them as they walk over to where Paris and I are sitting. Jamie sits next to me and visibly relaxes, and lays his head on my shoulder. I run my hand over his back and he mumbles in appreciation. Out of the corner of my eye I can see Paris watching us with a small scowl on his face. I fully turn back to him, my eyebrows furrowed, and Paris just gives me a weak smile and turns to Trey, and they start up a whispered conversation. I shrug and turn my attention back to Jamie. I wonder what they're talking about.


"Dude, what happened?" I whisper to Trey. He looks at me for a couple of seconds before answering.

"I kissed Jamie." He says nervously and I blink in surprise. I definently did not see that coming, but that would explain Trey's and Jamie's awkwardness when they entered the room. To tell the truth, I was dissapointed when the interrupted Aidan and I. I was really enjoying his smile and laugh, then Tweedle Dee and Tweedle Dum show up. Douchebags. I sigh and rub the area between my eyebrows.

"How the hell did that happen?" I finally ask, looking over to check on Aidan and Jamie. Jamie was still leaning up against Aidan's shoulder and Aidan was rubbing his back, his head layed on top of Jamie's. They looked so cute, but I couldn't help the jealousy that flowed through me at Jamie being able to be so close to Aidan.Trey clears his throat bringing my attention back to him.

"We ended up in the same group of people, some things happened, and suddenly we were playing truth or dare." I shake my head, amused, as Trey blushes despite his dark complexion. He glares at me before slumping back in the seat. A couple of seconds go by and he rubs his hands down his face.

"That's not even the worst part." He whipers and I glance at him curiously. He doesn't say anything so I wave for him to continue.

"It was actually good." He shudder and I laugh, causing Aidan to look over curiously, and Jamie to open his eyes. Trey makes a grumbling noise and crosses his arms over his chest.

"Dude!" He whisper yells. "I'm serious! Man, I LIKED it. We don't even get along." He groans and curls up next to me, his body on my lap with his legs and head hanging of the loveseat.I chuckle and shake my head bfore pushing him onto the floor. He yelps and sits up flipping me the bird and falls back on the floor. I look back at Aidan to see he's fallen asleep along with Jamie. I sigh, dissapointed. I was enjoying my time alone with him. Its like every time I  see him his beauty stuns me, leaving me paralyzed. His lips, his hair, God those eyes. Don't  get me started on that laugh, its sweet and addicting, but breathy like a summer breeze. And whats so suprising about it all? He doen't even know, and for some reason that makes it all the more special. Him all the more beautiful. I've been in relationships with so many conceited people. Boys, girls, the crossdresser that used to live next door. None of them  can compare to the way Aidan makes me feel.

I stare at Aidan for ten more minutes before waking him ans Jamie up. Aidan mutters under his breath and swipes my hand away.

"Le me awone." he mumbles and snuggles closer to Jamie. I aw and Trey chuckles.

"Come on you two, its time to wake up." I whisper and they both shuffle. Jamie gets up after a little more orodding and stands up before stretching. He looks around and whines.

"Why the fuck did you wake me up?" He asks. I frown and cross my arms.

"You guys fell asleep on the couch, and its one am. I thought, I don't know, maybe you wanted to sleep in a bed at home instead of a strangers couch." I point out.

"Well thank you for your motherfucking concern." he says sarcastically and I can eel my eye twitch. Trey stands up from the floor and pats my back. I shake my head and watch as Jamie finally gets Aidan to wake up. When he realizes where he's at he blushes and mumbles an apology. Jamie rolls his eyes and pulls him off the sunporch and toward the front door. Trey and I hurry after them to make sure they reach their car alright. Before they get inside the car, a nice looking Porshe might I add, I grab Aidan's hand. Jamie raises an eyebrow and smirks.

"Here, just give me the keys." He holds out his hand and Aidan hands him the keys and turns back to me.

"Did you want to talk?" He asks slowly, still blinking sleep out of his eyes. I shift nervously and clear my throat.

"I was wondering if you know...wanted to go out? On a date?" I cough and rub the back of my neck with my free hand, not wanting to let go of Aidan's soft, warm hand. He blushes and sputter, and both Trey and Jamie laugh. I ignore them and continue to look at Aidan.

"W-well I'm not really in the position to date-" He starts, and I cut him off, not wanting to feel that rejection again. I drop his hand and step away, keeping my eyes averted from his.

"Its ok..I just thought...but I should've known after last time....sorry." I get ready to turn and walk away and look for a place to sulk, when a warm hand stops me . I turn around ans smile sadly at Aidan. He's looking at me sternly with a small pout on his lips, and I feel my heart thump.  He shakes his head and sighs in exasperation.

"You didn't let me finish. Don't you know its rude to interrupt? I was saying I'm not in the position to date, BUT I want to get to know you more. So what would be the harm in a date?" He shrugs his shoulder, but I can tell he's nervous and happiness swells inside of me that he's accepted my date. Without thought I pull him into a hug and in the background Jamie yells, " Woo! You go Aid-Baby! Get your sexy man." I laugh and Aidan curses, which I found o cute. Damn he's turning me into a girl. I pull back to his face burning with embarrasement. Leanind down, I softly kiss his cheek and he squeaks.

"You still have my number right?" I whisper in his hair, making sure to brush my lips againt his ear. He shiver and nods. I smile victoriously and step back.

"Cool, I'll give you the details sometime this week. Kay?"

"Don't you need my number?" He asks.

"Um no. Jamie actually gave it to me earlier this week. Tuesday I think." I answer. He turns and glares at Jamie who just gives an innocent look in return. Aidan shakes his head and steps back.

" See you later." He gets into the car and they drive off leving Trey and I on the curb. Behind us music is still playing and as we turn to head back inside, Christy suddenly appears in front of us.

"Who was that?" She asks glaring at me. I roll my eyes and walk past her, making sure not to even brush against her.

"My date!" I yell back at her as Trey and I reach the door. We wait for the foot stomp, and walk back into the party laughing.

Tonight was a good night after all.


I can't believe I'm going on a date.


Christy in the pic>>>>

I picked this song beacuse I feel this song represents how Paris feel about Aidan.

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