Chapter 8

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                        I check my self in the rearview mirror one more time before getting out of the car. I look around and there are small houses running up and down the street.

'So this is where Jamie lives.' I think as I walk up to the house with the address Aidan gave me Monday.

I ring the door bell and wait for a couple of seconds. From inside the house I can hear an unfamiliar voice yell 'door!'. Several seconds later two shadowed figures can be seen through the glass on the other side of the door. One disappears before reappearing again. The door opens and I looking at Jamie, who's standing next to some guy thats holding a metal bat. Jealousy once again flares through me, but disappears when I get a good look at Aidan. He's wearing a silky blue t-shirt, a leather jacket, and a pair os sexy ass skinny jeans. I notice he's wearing combat boot again and supress a grin. He really loves his combat boots and I voice this aloud. Jamie blushes and nods his head. The guy standing next to him stiffens and continues to glare at me.

"How old are you." the guy asks.

"18." I simply answer and he nods.

"You do know my little brother here is 17 right?" He asks and leans the metal bat against the door way.

"Jeremy." Jamie whispers and the guy, Jeremy I persume, looks down at him. His features soften from a glare to a look of adoration and affection. He sighs and crosses his well-muscled arm across his chest. Looking back at me with a stony expression he begins to speak.

"Have him back here by eleven-thirty. No loud parties, no making out in some parking lot, no sex. Actually, where are you taking him?" He asks. Two more people walk up to the door and I recognize one of them as Jamie.

"Its a surprise, sir." I say, even though he couldn't be much older than me. He seems unhappy about the surprise part, but I don't give a fuck. I'm not ruining our date just to satisfy his queries. He runs a large hand over his stubble and appraises me for a few more seconds.

" You understand that if you ever hurt Aidan I'll have to put you in the hospital." He says and I can tell he's serious.

"Wow. I thought I was at least worthy of a death threat." I say sarcastically, and three intakes of breath could be heard. Jeremy just smirks.

"Don't be a smartss. Like I said, I won't hesitate to beat your ass if you hurt Aidan." He says before turning to Aidan. He gives him a kiss on the forehead and whispers something in his ear. Jamie steps up and gives Aidan a hug. The other guy pats Aidan on the back, and he and Jamie walk back into the house. Aidan gives Jeremy a big hug and i have to resist the urge to roll my eyes. They seperate and I take Aidan's hand and lead him to my car. It's dark green Charger that I got for sixteenth birthday. I open the passenger door for him and he blushes before getting inside mumbling a thankyou. I close the door and turn to see Jeremy still standing on the porch. I nod to him before walking to my side of the car and getting in. I start the car and we make our way to my Grandparent's diner.


We pull up to the resteraunt and I turn off the car and smile at Aidan.

"Ready?" I ask.

"Yes." He answers in that sweet voice of his. We get out the car and I walk around and take his hand in mine again. It feels so good in my own, as if it were made to fit perfectly with mine. His palm is warm, and his hand is soft. We make our way towards the door of the resteraunt as Aidan looks around. When we enter we're hit with the smells of Greek cuisine and the sounds of Greek music. Aidan looks around, eyes wide, and excitement evident in his face.

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