Chapter 25

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I shift as I slowly become conscious. Letting out a small moan, I stretch my tired muscles, loving the way they feel at being slightly strained. I try to lift a hand to wipe the sleep out of my eye, but for some reason my árm was constricted, stuck between my body and a warm, muscular chest. I blink as the memories of last night come to mind. The misunderstanding and the make up. Paris's arms tighten around my waist as I try to quietly slip out of bed. I wait a few more minutes until his hold loosens and somehow manage to crawl out of bed. I quickly replace myself with a pillow in my previous spot as Paris's eyebrows furrows. Fortunately, he accepts the fake me and stays asleep.

"I didn't actually think that would work." I whisper to myself as pull on the pair of boxers discarded on the floor yesterday, followed by some flannel pajama pants and a red T-shirt from my closet. I tiptoe my way across the room, open the door, and successfully slip out without making any noise. I close the door behind me before making my way downstairs where the sounds of kitchen utensils can be heard clanging, and the voices of my father and Ian float from the kitchen. I take a deep breath and enter the kitchen. Dad and Ian instantly stop talking and stare at me as I take an apple from the refrigerator. I lean against the counter and take a bite out of the fruit and wipe away the juice that managed to slide down my chin.


That seems to break them from their staring and the go back to what they were, but the kitchen is empty of any type of conversation. Ian quietly places a plate in front of my dad and one I'm the spot I usually sit before going back and grabbing two more plates filled with eggs, bacon, fried potatoes, and fried mushrooms. When he goes to get a bowl of fruit I place my hand on his shoulder, effectively stopping him in his tracks. He meets my gaze and I give him a small smile.

"Go ahead and sit down. I can grab everything else." Ian reluctantly nods his head in agreement and takes his seat next to Dad. I quickly grab the bowl of chopped fruit and the pitcher of orange juice before making my way to the table. After setting everything down, I take my seat. Neither of the grown men look at me and I let out a sigh of exasperation.

"Okay, guys. What's up?" I asks. They both look up at me and I frown at the tense expressions on their faces.

Clearing his throat, Dad addresses me for the first time since I've entered the kitchen. "Aidan, about what you saw last night-" I interrupt him before he can say anything else.

"That's what all this tension is about? What about it?" I ask in confusion. Last night, when I got home after seeing Paris and Christy 'kissing', I caught my dad and Ian sharing a kiss. Ian nods solemnly.

"Well, we thought that, after what you saw, that you would be angry at us." He informs me.

"Mad?" Dad must sense my confusion growing, because he steps in and tries to explain.

"Yes, mad. We were worried that you would be angry at us for our relationship. You see, after your mother died I was lost. I didn't know what to do. The pain of your mother's-my wife's- death was overwhelming. I went into a sort of depression which caused you and I to become distant. I didn't know how to take care of a child myself, and I didn't want to be reminded of her day after day." He tells me.

"Aidan, you looked so much like still do. I couldn't bear it. So I spent as much time overseas as I could. Being a childhood friend, Ian could sense my pain and confusion. He decided to help me, and over the years I could feel myself falling more and more in love with this man. Truthfully, I can't explain how this happened, but it did, and I won't change it for the world. Aidan, I love your mother, I do. She was my first love. My first wife. She bore my only son for gods sake. Though, while I love your mother, I am not in love with her. Its time for me to move on and be happy. Ian makes me happy. Extremely happy."

"That's great Dad, but I still don't understand why you thought I would be mad." I tell him. Dad opens his mouth, but Ian gently places his hand over one of Dad's own. He turns to and gently smiles.

"We were afraid you would think I was trying to replace your mother." I blink in surprise. This was the reason they've been tense. The reason they wouldn't tell me about their relationship.

"Dad, Ian. I would never think that. I love you guys, and to be truthful Ian is like a dad to me. I'm happy you found happiness, Dad. Same thing to you, Ian." I inform them. Everything is silent as they digest my words.


"Really, really." I smile. Ian squeals in happiness before jumping out of his chair. I groan as tears of happiness build up in his eyes. Everytime Ian is so happy he cries he likes to hug, and trust me those hugs are tight. I wince as he pulls me out of my chair and into his arms, my back slightly cracking as he squeezes the life out of me. I look to Dad, who is smiling affectionately at us, and silently beg him to save me from the human anaconda. Instead, Dad just shrugs and gives me a hundred watt smile.

"What can I say? He's a sucker for Hallmark moments." Suddenly a sleepy Paris, dressed in sweatpants and an undershirt, appears at the kitchen door. He slowly blinks at the sight of me trying to escape Ian's death hug and Dad chuckling.

"What I miss?"


Hey you guys! I know its short, but this is basically the last chapter of Loving You (except the epilogue). I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter( the whole story in general really). I'll probably add the epilogue later this week. That's all for now.



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