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To go to their destination in Helios. Kuro and his group must take a flying ship. There wasn't any port in Valmoore so they took a train first to a town which was famous for its flight traffic. The town was called Aeria. Many flying ships and planes came and went by. From travel to trading, there were many kinds of people who flew to this port. Flight also was one of the few way people from Asgard could get out of the continent since Asgard was flying on the sky. Hence at this time, Kuro and the rest of the group checked in for their flight. They were given a ticket for "military mission" flight. Unlike the usual ship. The army's flying ship has thicker armor plating. It was also faster and had few turrets for self-defense. The transport ship was announced that it would leave in 1 hour and every passenger had to wait in the designated room.

Being first time in the airport, Kuro and Hiro looked in awe. The technology that they couldn't be compared to their village. It was so advanced but they didn't know about it. After exploring for a while, Kuro went back to his serious mode and read the letter which contained the mission. It was in death mist forest. While he read that he noticed a certain symbol on the wall. He was sure that he saw it somewhere but it was years ago that he couldn't recalled it where.

Muse who noticed Kuro's interest asked him if he was interested in it. Kuro turned his attention toward her and nodded. Muse then explained that the first flying ship was made by a certain clan that already extinct by now. Despite the island being isolated in the sky, they managed to connect with the world below them. Using woods and leaves reinforced with magic as prototype, they improved it to the current state of aircraft that use metal. To honor their invention, the clan logo became Asgard's airport logo also. Looking at the logo again, Kuro knew that it was his father's clan who invented it. It seemed that only few people knew the name since the clan tended to keep being hidden.

Not long after that, they were finally called to board the ship. They couldn't help but excited to see what country Helios is. Nothing did they know that Helios wouldn't be a country that was as good as Asgard.

The ship engine was started, the propeller spin very fast. The ship raised up to the sky slowly. The propeller was made of mana that was produced by the engine. Soon after the ship reach enough height. The propeller was stopped and instead was replaced by levitation spell. Since Helios was located below Asgard, the ship only need to glide to the ocean below. The ship moved down very fast toward its destination.

2 hours later

They could see the ocean below them, the plane which still gliding started to decrease its speed. It was a preparation to land on the ocean. The plane slowed down to the point which even bird could fly faster than it fell down. As it floated on the ocean, it used normal engine to sail toward nearby dock. When the door was opened they finally could see Helios for the first time. But all they could see was exactly the same as what their senior told them. In Helios, there were so many humans as opposed to demi humans. Non-humans were discriminated and put as the lowest class while humans stayed on top. Even making humans as slave were illegal but it was legal to make non-human slaves. Every time they see slaves, they could only hold their anger as they couldn't do anything but watched their suffering. They walked and walked even faster to their destination trying to forget all the problem with the slaves they saw.

Stonefort Village, the village closest to the dock. It was their final supply spot before going into Deathmist forest. Kuro and his companions, Muse and Hiro were preparing everything they need for their mission. While at that.

"hey Muse" Kuro called her to confirm something.

"yeah? What's wrong?" the girl replied while checking her belongings at the same time.

"your overdrive, it's ready to be used right"

"yes of course. My overdrive only has 4 hours of cooldown anyway"

Sennsou Wa Heiwa Sekai no Mannakade Vol.1Where stories live. Discover now