Chapter 4

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3 Months Later 

Shelby's Point of View

Its been about 3 months since I moved in with Karlie. It didn't take long for me to get used to living with her. We've developed a routine since about week 3. During the week Karlee cooks and has dinner ready by the time I get home from work, and on the weekends I pick up take out or we go out with some of Karlie's friends. I've even started getting closer to Jenny and Elliot. 

Tonight Karlie and I were meeting them at a bar downtown for some drinks. When we arrived we noticed Jenny and Elliot sitting in a small booth in the corner. I sat down with them while Karlee went to the bar to order some drinks.

"Hey Jenny and Elliot!" I greeted them. 

"Hey Shelby," Elliot responded. "I think this is the first time we've talked without Karlie around, so just want to check in. How's living with her going?"

"It's great, it really is." I said. "I was definitely in a rough spot when I moved in and I feel like being around Karlie has been really helpful. I am so thankful for her friendship."

"Well she has had nothing but good things to say about you, so I am glad to hear it is mutual" Elliot said.

"Oh really," now I was interested, "What kind of stuff is she saying-"

"-Hey sorry it took a minute. I couldn't get the bartenders attention." Karlie interrupted. 

I guess I won't know what she has been saying about me. But I am definitely glad that she has been saying good things. 

"That's weird, you never have trouble getting men's attention." Elliot said in response to Karlie.

"Haha, I guess I am loosing my touch." Karlie responded.

"So... speaking of getting men's attention. Any men in your life?" I asked. I genuinely wanted to know, but I found myself hoping the answer was no.

Elliot started laughing. "This girl doesn't give a shit about men's attention."

"Oh really?" I asked, intrigued

Jenny answered this time, "Karlie doesn't believe in love or romantic relationships. In fact besides for Elliot here, you are probably the closest thing to an intimate relationship she has ever had." Jenny winked after and started laughing. I started blushing so she quickly added that she was just kidding.

Karlie explained a bit more, "I've just never really felt a strong enough connection to someone to want a relationship like that. I've hooked up before and have even gone on dates just for a free meal, but I've never really wanted more. Why would I? I've got great friends, a great roommate, what else does a girl need!"

"What about you Shelby? Any men in your life?" Jenny asked.

I still have not come out to Karlie, so obviously her friends don't know. I am planning on telling her, but so much time has passed it feels awkward to bring it up out of the blue. Maybe this could be my chance.

"Karlie already knew this but I never told you guys. I was going through a breakup when I moved in with Karlie. My ex and I were very serious so it took me some time to get over, and to be honest the wound still stings a bit" I explained.

I took a deep breath ready to admit that my ex was actually a woman, but then Karlie grabbed my hand and squeezed it. I felt a jolt of electricity run up my arm and my heart skipped a beat. I turned to look at her and she was smiling at me. I know that she was just trying to offer comfort in regards to my ex, but I realized in that moment that I had a little crush on Karlie. Shit. This is not the time to admit my sexuality.

"But, I think I am finally to the point where I am ready to move on. But I am by no means in a rush to jump into the next relationship." I explained. 

"Well cheers to moving on!" Karlie said raising her glass.

We all clinked glasses and finished our drinks. Karlie ordered a few more rounds as we continued to talk. Jenny and Elliot told us about the excitement and stress of wedding planning. Jenny even invited me to her Bachelorette party here in a few weeks. It felt great to finally have some friends. When I first moved here my life revolved around Charlie and work, so it was great to have more than one person in my life.

After a while Jenny and Elliot excused themselves to leave, they had an early morning of wedding planning tomorrow. Karlie was pretty drunk and was getting ready to order another round, but I cut her off and suggested we go home. 

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