Chapter 3

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Hey y'all!! So this chapter was fun to write!! Hehe it's dramatic so I hope u like it!!! PLEASE COMMENT! Or tweet me! @TheTommoxxxxx OH btw me and my best friend and another twitter friend made a co-owned account! @xLarryGirlsx that doesn't imply we r Larry shippers. I'm a Louis girl and my best friend is a Harry girl. SO ANYWAY! Read, comment, and tweet me on either one of those accounts LOVE YA AND SPREAD THE WORD! Ok I'm gobba shut up now just ENJOY!


It's been about a year since Liam left and I found out about my illness. I haven't gotten any better, if anything I have gotten worse. I have been going through Chemo for a while and have lost all my hair. I now where a wig that looks almost identical to my old hair: shoulder length, brown, with natural red highlights. It's tough, fighting cancer, it's really tough. But the support from my family and my doctors really helps. But still, I don't really have anyone I can talk to about anything. There are certain things you don't want to tell your parents or your doctors, so I had to keep those things inside. I didn't have a best friend to tell anymore. I had Lauren, but she wasn't as close as Liam and I were. I was now more mad at Liam than I was when he left. First, he didn't tell me he auditioned or that he was leaving, then he never answered his phone when I call, making me think he's forgotten all about me, and now he's just not there for me. Not when I just want to talk and not here for me to help me through cancer. He doesn't even know. How could he? He never answers when I call. It's like I never existed. And to think I loved him for so long. I guess I don't mean as much to him as I thought I did. But now, he's coming home. Yep. Liam Payne is coming home, now that X Factor has ended (Liam and the other boys coming in third place). I'm not excited. I don't want to see him. I'm sad, I'm hurt, I'm pissed. I'm hoping that he really has forgotten about me and won't make an attempt to see me. I really don't need any extra stress.


It's the day. The day I have been dreading. The day Liam comes home. I'm planning on staying home and not going anywhere. I'm holding on to the hope that he won't come looking for me. Of course that couldn't happen. I hear the door bell ring and I have the worst feeling it's him. I walk to the door anyway. Sure enough, there he is. Standing in my door way. His once straight hair is now filled with curls and his lips are formed into a stupid smile. He's so happy, and I'm so troubled. He has such a perfect life, while I'm fighting for mine.

"Lily! It's you! After so long!" he exclaims and wraps his arms around me. I just stand there and don't hug him back, I don't speak, I don't do anything.

"What? You're not going to talk to me?"

"You didn't seem to care if I talked to you when you ignored all of my calls," I mumble and start to walk away. He grabs my wrist and forces me to face him.

"Are you really still mad that I didn't tell you? It's been a year, can't you get over it?" he asks looking slightly mad and slightly hurt. I'm getting really mad now. He doesn't know the half of it. I pull my wrist away.

"You think that's the only reason I'm mad? That's bull shit, Liam. I tried to forgive you! I called you countless times! But did you ever answer? No! You were too caught up in your perfect new life to care about me! Why should you care about me anyway? I was just your best friend since we were three! You don't know the half of it Liam! Just leave me alone!" I yell at him and continue walking away.

"Lily...." he says softer and I stop walking. "I-I'm sorry. I was always so busy and I didn't have the time to call. I rarely ever even looked at my phone. But I never stopped caring for you, Lily. I'm here aren't I?" I turn around slowly and face him. That really wasn't a good excuse. "I-I'm sorry. I really am," he says quietly and reaches his arm up to stroke my "hair." As soon as his finger tips make contact with the fake strands of hair, I panic and slap his hand away. What if the wig moved or fell off? I don't really think I want him to know.

"Don't touch my head," I snapped.

"What's wrong with you, Lily? You're so mad and jumpy! You're not acting like yourself! Why can't you just forgive me? I said I was sorry!" he seems like he's getting mad, but I'm way past mad.

"You don't know the half of it, Liam! You don't know anything!"

"Then tell me!" Tears start to fill my eyes. I rip the wig off of my head and throw it at him.

"That clear enough for you?" I snap through the tears and run to my room, locking the door. I throw myself on the bed and begin to sob uncontrollably.

*Liam's POV*

I look down at the wig in my hands with shock. How could this happen? I feel like a piece of shit. I'm such an ass-hole. I got mad at her, when she had every right to be pissed at me. I never told her I auditioned or that I was leaving until the night before, I ignored her while I was gone, and now she has cancer. She's going through an awful time in her life while I'm busy being famous. I was never here for her. I have to make things better. I have to talk to her. I run to her bedroom.

*Lily's POV*

I hear the doorknob jiggle and then pounding on the door.

"Lily! Lily, please open the door!"

"W-what do you w-want?" I stutter through my tears.

"I want to talk to you! Please! I feel awful! I know I'm an ass-hole! Please let me in so I can talk to you!" he begged from outside the door. I put on a hoodie and throw the hood over my head. I walk over to the door and open it. I snatch the wig away from Liam and throw it on my bed.

"Don't even start, Liam. There's nothing you can do! There's nothing you can say! You were never here for me! Never here for me when I needed someone! When I needed someone to talk to! When I needed my best friend! When I needed YOU! I'm going through fucking cancer, Liam! Do you know what it's like to have to try to fight cancer without a best friend!? Without someone you can truly tell anything!? Well I do, Liam! And it sucks! You were never here for me when I wanted to give up! I couldn't tell my parents! I couldn't tell my doctors! Do you know how they would've reacted if I would've told then I wanted to give up!? Not well! I had to get through it on my own! I had to toughen up on my own! I had to force myself to stay strong when all I wanted to do was give up and die on my own! You couldn't even do me the decency of responding to a text! You made me feel like I meant nothing to you! Like you had forgotten me! Like I never existed! You know what, I got through it then, I can get through it now. Without you. I don't need you. Go away." And with that I slammed the door in his face, slid down the wall, and began to cry again.


OOOOOOOOOOO so whatcha think? Are you mad at Liam? Are you mad at Lily? Do u think she was too harsh?? COMMENT AND TWEET!!!!

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