Chapter 4

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  • Dedicated to All of my amazing twitter followers!

HELLLLO EVERYBODY! First I would like to say a HUGEEEE thank you to everyone who ha read. I had to literally go through my followers list and send the link to everybody but ya gotta do what ya gotta do!!! THANK YOU FOR READING AND YOUR LOVELY FEEDBACK! It means so much to me!! Second, I know this chapter is short I'm sorry but as long as you keep tweeting me feedback I will keep updating!!! So enjoy!!!


I heard the door open again. Shit. I didn't lock it. I felt someone pick me up and put me in their lap. I knew exactly who it was. I started struggling, trying to get him to let me go. But I was exhausted: physically and emotionally. I couldn't fight anymore so I just collapsed into his arms and let tears stream down my face.

"I'm not going to leave you, not again," Liam whispered into my ear and rubbed my back. I didn't respond, I felt light-headed. The room began to spin and then everything went black.


My eyes fluttered open to see my usual hospital room. I was hooked up to the normal machines and IVs.

"Honey, you're awake. How are you feeling?" my mom asks softly while holding my hand.

"Better," I respond and smile weakly at her.

"I'm gonna go talk to the doctor. You stay put, ok?"

"Ok, mom." As she walks out of the room, I see him again. He's sitting in a chair not far from my bed. He has his head in his hands. When my mom is out of the room and shuts the door, his head jerks up to look at me. As his eyes set on me, he runs a hand through his hair. He was here? He had stayed with me? Maybe he wasn't Stop, Lily he hurt you.

He moves his chair so he's closer to me. He tries to take my hand but I pull away. I just feel like I don't know him anymore. The Liam I knew never would have done the stuff he did. He looks down with a hurt expression.

"Lily, I know there's nothing I can say to make it up to you. There's no excuse for any of the shit I did. But I really am sorry. You're my best friend and I should've told you. I should've answered your calls and responded to your texts. I should've been here for you when you were going through all of this. I was being a selfish ass-hole and was only thinking about myself. I really feel awful and I don't expect you to forgive me. If I were you I probably wouldn't forgive me either. I just want you to know that I really am sorry, and I really do care about you. I just hope one day you will be able to forgive me and we can be friends again. And I'm going to do whatever it takes to make it up to you," he apologises while looking in my eyes the entire time. He was starting to tear up. I know he's was telling the truth. I don't know what to do. I want to forgive him but a part of me is telling me not to. I'm still mad, I'm still hurt, but he was just trying to follow his dreams. It's not his fault he was successful. But really? He could've told me. Called me. Something!

"Liam, I accept your apology. But, I just need some time. I'm sorry," I say quietly. He looks disappointed but understanding. He nods.

"Here, I brought it when I rushed you here. I thought you would want it," he says and hands me my wig. I smile and put it on.

"Thanks, and thank you for bringing me here."

"No problem, babe." There it was. "Babe" the name that sent shivers down my spine and made me blush. Feelings were coming back. It was gonna be hard to stay mad.


Awww :') ok so what do u think will happen next??? LET ME KNOW! Comment, fan, TWEET ME!! Thanks darlings!!!!!!

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