Promise ring

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"So what do you think about that ring Gon?" Killua said

"I don't know but it shouldn't be that hard to not use nen."

"Yeah I guess but why doesn't it bother you?"

"Not sure."

"Well what do you think f/n?"

"I think it's kinda pointless honestly" I said

"Yeah same its dumb he cant use his nen now but its fine i guess"

"Well I'm hungry, we should go eat!" Gon said

"Yeah i could eat" I said

"Then let's go find somewhere to eat!"

We were walking around the area trying to find a spot to eat at because we haven't eaten in forever and were all pretty hungry. We saw some of our competitors on the way but eventually we found a spot right by the place. We all ordered, then sat down to eat Gon got orange juice and a sandwich, Killua got cake and water , and I got f/f.

"This food is good!" I said

"Yeah, I really like this cake!"

"And this sandwich is pretty good too!"

"So what do you guys think of this place?" Killua asked

"I like it and i think we can train here to get stronger for the auction!" Gon said

"Yeah I agree with Gon." I said

"Well that's nice but what are we gonna do after this and the auction and everything."

"Well I haven't really thought of that. I guess I've been enjoying it right now so i didnt think of it." I said

"Hopefully we can all stay together and continue on adventures!" Gon said

"Yeah I hope so too." Killua said

We all finished up our food then headed back inside so we can get ready for tomorrow.

While we're walking back I started thinking more on what Killua said. What if we end up splitting apart? What if after the auction we never see each other? What if we get bored of each other-

"f/n! We're here now." Killua said

"Oh yeah sorry i was just thinking"

"Yeah well I'm tired so hurry up."

"Ok ok i am giving me a minute to walk in."

After we walked in and got ready for bed we all were pretty tired from today so we kinda went straight to sleep.

"Night f/n , and Gon."

"Night Killua." "Night Gon"

We all said before drifting off to sleep.

Sorry if this is kinda short i didn't really know what i wanted to do for this and my neighbors are having a party while i'm writing this so its hard to focus but i hope you liked it.

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