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A/N: Omg, I'm so sorry this took a month to come out. I forgot about this show and had to rewatch it and then think about what I would write. Also, sorry if this doesn't align with the other parts. I'm trying my best, guys, pleaseeee. Also I did not read this after I wrote it so sorry if it makes no sense.

When I woke up the next day, my whole body was sore from all the fighting and training I had done the previous day. I sat in bed and rubbed my tired eyes; I looked over at Killua and Gon, who were still asleep and sighed. I would wake them up later; I stretched and reluctantly stood up, my body aching from the previous day's activities, yawning as I walked to the bathroom to prepare for the day. Looking in the mirror at myself, I stifled a groan.

After about 10 minutes in the bathroom, I got myself looking decent. I tied my hair back, changed into more relaxed athletic wear, and then woke Killua and Gon. I crept over to the bed they were sleeping on and nudged Killuas shoulder.

"Hey. Wake up." I said; when I got no response from either of them, I huffed, furrowing my brows as I shook him a little more complicated. "Wake up, killed! We have stuff to do today!" I exclaimed.

Killua groaned, pushing your hand away and slowly opening his eyes. "Yeah, yeah, I'm up...geez." He mumbled, slowly starting to sit up in bed. Gon woke up shortly after hearing the commotion and shuffling in bed.

"What time is it anyway?" Killua asked, stretching and yawning before slowly walking into the bathroom. I checked the clock on the wall, "It's like 8:00 am." I replied.


After getting ready, we returned to train our nen with WingWing again. Gon was still trying to defeat Hisoka, so we needed to master ten. After WingWing told us about how long it took Zushi to master it, we all had an expression of dread on our faces.

"6 months!? That is way too long. We must master this by midnight to get past Hisoka!" Killua exclaimed, glancing at the clock again. "Well, force is our only option," Wing replied.

"Well, how long is that going to take?" Gon asked, looking between Zushi and WingWing. "How long it takes depends on your ability to learn, but let's not waste time; I will transmit my aura in your direction."

I remembered that was called hatsu when WingWing made that massive crack in the wall and couldn't help but wince a little. As WingWing continued to talk about how dangerous this was and explain the history, I grew a bit wary, but I knew this needed to be done quickly. Gon, Killua, and I turned our backs to WingWing as he placed his hands behind us.

I felt a hot, slimy sensation jolt through my body even though WingWing wasn't touching me; I glanced over at Killua and Gon, and it seemed they were feeling the same, too. A strangled cry left Killuas lips when the aura coursed through his body, but I was too caught up in the feeling in my body to notice.

After this was complete, I looked over at Gon and Killua to see if they were doing okay formally they were, and then we started working on controlling our aura.

Timeskip back to the hotel

"Do you think we're ready?" I asked them as we slowly walked through the halls. "Yeah, we're ready," Gon replied as we rounded the corner to see Hisoka sitting on the floor, and we slowly approached him.

Hisoka chuckled when we approached him and spoke. "Welcome to the 200th floor; it seems I don't need to bother with initiation; I guess you guys came to Heaven arena to train before challenging me."

"That's right, but we didn't expect to find you here. I guess that saves me some trouble," Gon spoke, a determined look in his eyes, but Hisoka chuckled again. "I wouldn't get too confident just because you learned to use ten."

Hisoka stood up and pointed his finger up. "I have no desire to fight you now, but if you can win one fight on this floor, I accept your challenge.." He said, then slowly descended off into the hallway. We all three shared a glance before walking off in the opposite direction.

We went to the front lobby, grabbed a form to sign up, and started filling for a fight; go it out, and then these three weird-looking people showed up behind us. "I think they're trying to fight on the same day as you," Killua murmured to Gon, who slipped the form through the window.

When we got our room keys, we all had different rooms this time, so Gon went to his room first, then Kill and I walked to ours since they were close together. "So, are you excited for tomorrow?" Killua asked me; I initially didn't answer but then slowly nodded. "Yeah..kind of, I'm a little scared still, know."

Killua nodded and stuck his hands in his pockets. "Yeah, I get that. I hope our fights go well tomorrow; I can't wait to wipe that stupid smirk off hisokas face." Killua grumbled, shaking his head in irritation at the thought of Hisoka.

"Oh yeah, me too; I hope gon wins tomorrow so we can finally beat Hisoka; I can't wait to see the look on his face when he realized has lost." I giggled as I approached my room.

I pulled my room key out and slowly unlocked the door, looking back at Killua and momentarily taking my bottom lip between my teeth. "So I guess I'll see you tomorrow then..."

Killua looked back at you, a small smile forming on his lips. "Yeah. Tomorrow, we'll meet down in the arena." He said, then sighed slightly. "Goodnight then, don't let the bedbugs bite.."

I couldn't help but scoff and roll my eyes; what a dork..."Yeah, yeah, see you tomorrow." I said, then slowly walked into my room, shutting my door for the night.

A/N: okay, I'm so sorry if this makes no sense, it's episode 29 if you kind of want to watch that, but I could not remember where I left this story off, so I made a guess. I know there's is not a whole lot of interaction, but I am fr struggling with what to write. I just wanted to get this chapter out because it has been years since I've updated. So ideas are muchly appreciated :).

Also my friend said to go check out her book her user is @exile0236. It's a death note L book so ;p

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Sep 11 ⏰

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