Chapter 2

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Note from author: hey people it's me yurix again and I hope you enjoy chapter 2 of my love.

As Maya and Natalie walk out the lunch room and part there ways to go to class, Mayas still worried about about going to the office because she's a good kid she had never been to the office before everyone knew her as the "smart kid" and she could only imagine what her mother was going to say if they called her.

As everyone walks into Mr.Parker's class and settles down maya gets up and walks to Mr.Parker's desk.

"Oh Miss.Watson how may I help you today" he says.

"So idk if you heard earlier what was said over the intercom but I might have to leave a bit early like about 9:50 I'd say" maya says.

"That's totally fine just make sure you stay for the final speech" he says

As Maya returns to her desk Mr.Parker starts to say something.

"So how's everyone doing today" he says

As a collective the class says "good".

"Well that is wonderful and will be having a 20 minute break before class starts and this is to get your stuff ready for my class and other stuff bc I DO NOT WANT TO HEAR "oh can I go to the restroom,oh I need a pencil,oh I forgot my text book, all that stuff I WILL not care about bc I gave you 20 minutes to do all that stuff this break starts now and if you need me I'll be in my office" Mr. Parker says.

As Mr.Parker leaves everyone starts to with talk there friends and get stuff ready for class,Maya didn't have to do all of that bc she never forgets anything, so as she's sitting at her desk alone with a sad face her desk buddy can't help but notice so she says something.

"Hey are you okay bc you look like sad" she says

"Oh I'm okay it's just I have to the office that's all" says maya

Maya's friend gasps and says "you to the office that's unheard of I was kinda shocked when I heard it on the intercom".

Suddenly mayas friend eyes widen with a sudden realization of something.

"Wait are you going to the office about what happened in the cafeteria damn girl I'm shocked you got TWO hot boys fighting over you that's cold" she says.

Maya laughs " I know it looks that way but one of them is my ex and he's a creep so it's really not that way at all".

"Oh shit I'm sorry didn't know I hit a soft spot" says mayas friend.

"Don't apologize you didn't know" says maya.

As they continue talking Mr.Parker walks back in the class room.

"Alright alright the 20 minute break is over you can be quiet now" he says.

The class laughs

"So today we will be doing an assignment about what we talked about last class oh btw can anyone tell me exactly what we talked about last class" he says

One of the boys raises his hand in the back.

"Yes Jackson" Mr.Parker says.

"Umm the Solar System right" Jackson says.

"Correct the solar system, and sense you guys did okay on the last assignment I'm going to give you another"he says.

"And for today's class work I'm going to need a 3 page essay about the solar system and I do not want to see any 5th grade work bc if I do it will go in the grade book as and a F and for homework I'll need a fun fact about the solar system" Mr.Parker says.

The class groans.

"Do NOT groan at me okay you guys should be glad I'm giving you a week to finish this and homework should be done by tomorrow now get to work" Mr.Parker says.

As Maya continues to work on her assignment which she's almost done with she realizes it's 9:50 so she gets up to tell Mr.Parker she has to leave he nods and she walks out the door to the office.

When she gets to office she meets Natalie there.

"So how are you feeling nena (babe)" Natalie says.

"Not good bc what if they call my mom and Jayden gets a 30 ticket "says maya.

"Hun I have told you it's going to be okay and so what if they call your mom all she's gonna do is yell at you and you should be happy bc if it was my mom I would be getting hit with a chancla 🩴 (flip flop)" Natalie says.

Maya laughs "yeah you're right".

Later on in the office:
side note: mr.evans is the principal

"So we all know why we are here today right"Mr.Evans says.

Both of the boys nod there head

"Now the thing I want know is why y'all think y'all could just fight in my school."Mr.Evans says.

"He's the one that did it I didn't d-" say Jordan.

"Shut up bc I know you lying"Mr.Evans says.

"Now trust passer I want to know why you punched him in his nose bc I know it wasn't for no reason" Mr.Evans says

"I punched him in his nose bc he called my friend a bitch simple" Jayden says.

"Oh and who may this friend of yours be"Mr.Evans says

The room goes silent.

"Oh you don't want to tell who it I-" says Mr.Evans before getting interrupted by Jordan.

"It was Maya Watson and her friend Natalie Martinez" Jordan says.

"Ok okay thank you for this information and they will be coming to my office after this"Mr.Evans says.

"And now for your consequences of your actions, for you Jordan Felts you be getting a week of Detention and for you trust passer you will be getting a 30 ticket" Mr.Evans says.

"Now get out of my office please and thank you" Mr.Evans says.

As Jayden and Jordan leave out the office Jordan rolls his eyes at Jayden and walks away.

As Maya and Natalie are waiting outside of the office they see Jayden so they walk up to him.

"Hey so did you get in trouble or what" Natalie says.

"Oh yeah I'm ok it's just I got a 30 ticket that's all"Jayden says.

"Hey I'm so sorry I got you in this mess" says maya

"It's okay and it's not really your fault" Jayden says.

"As much as I would like to stand here and talk I can't because I have to go open up my shop so y'all call me later" Jayden says.

Alright says both of the girls as Jayden walks away,suddenly they hear the office door open.

"Miss.Watson and Miss.Martinez you may come into my office now"Mr.Evans says.

To be continued.

Note from author: hey guys it's me yurixtwo and I hope you enjoyed chapter 2 of my love chapter 3 will be out on August 6,2021 and also today's my birthday 🥳.

My love by yurixtwo 18+ (teen story)Where stories live. Discover now