Chapter 5

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Note from author: hey guys it's me yurixtwo I hope u enjoy chapter 5 of my love❤️.

As Maya returns to her bed and doses off into a deep sleep.

The morning comes.

Maya suddenly wakes up to her 6th alarm "shit I'm so late".

Maya is kinda dazed from last night so it takes her awhile to get up.

She forgets she has to wake up Jayden.

She walks up to the guest room "okay Maya you could do this" she swings the door open, she sees Jayden sound asleep.

She walks over to him quietly and gives him a tap on the shoulder.

He lifts up from the bed wiping his eyes, and stretching his arms.

He looks around the room a bit confused until he sees Maya out the corner of his eyes.

She gives him a slight wave, while giving an awkward look.

"Wait why am I here did something happen?" Jayden says while rubbing his head.

He suddenly has flash backs of last night, his eyes widen.

"WAIT DID WE" he says while looking under the covers.

"OMG WHY AM I NAKED" he quickly starts to panic.

He jumps out of the bed while walking around the room vigorously.

Maya quickly calms him down, he sits back on the bed slowly.

"Dude calm down we didn't do anything, well ...... not anything but u were drunk so it's not your fault" Maya says.

He looks at her with a scared face "WHAT THE HELL YOU MEAN NOT ANYTHING" he says.

Maya rolls her eyes and starts to explain everything that went on last night.

Jayden says "I thought we actually did something, but the problem is what are we going to do about Natalie what if she finds out".

"That's the thing how about we just don't tell her about this and forget this mess, besides we are the only people that know besides my sister" Maya says.

"We'll your right as long as your sister doesn't say anything we're fine" Jayden says.

"Right, well I feel much better I got this off my chest, I'm gonna go finish getting ready, and I'll wait on you to get ready, then we can go" Maya says.

"Hey umm I was wondering if I could actually stay here until you get back from school, I'm still pretty sore from last night yk, and I really don't feel like working at all today" Jayden says.

"Uhh sure I guess no one's gonna be here so you could totally stay since my sister is leaving today" Maya says.

"Thanks so much and by the way, where are my clothes?" Jayden says.

She chuckles " downstairs, hold on I'll go get them".

She gets the clothes and gives them to him, then finishes getting ready.

*10 minutes later*.

They both walk downstairs to see each other off, then she wakes her sister up.

"Ughh what do u want it's early in the morning" Kayla says.

"Actually it's not, anyway get yo ass up I got to drop u off today" Maya says.

Kayla shrugs and gets up.

Once Kayla gets ready, they both start to walk out the door, then there was a knock on the door.

Everyone stop in their tracks, there was a muffled voice outside, "hey Maya open up it's me".

My love by yurixtwo 18+ (teen story)Where stories live. Discover now