yo i made another one guys

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A/N: wow I am on a roll. This is crazy bc I normally never ever ever write anything ever because I'm lazy and tbh I don't like my writing. But yay here it is. If the gif doesn't work I'm going to cry bc it's amazing. ALSO: the next part after this is going to be destiel, just letting you know.


I'm terribly busy. I know that. So why am I still here?

There have been three murders in the last two days, and I'm at home in bed. I'm not even thinking about them. John is worried about me. Says I'm "wasting away" and "an idiot who needs to eat something". I don't feel like it.

The murders are strange and wonderful. Delightfully difficult. But... I don't want to do anything, let alone deal with people.

Lestrade has called four times. I don't really care. It doesn't seem fun anymore, you know?

I guess something's wrong with me. Dunno.
I don't really feel useful to them anymore. Yesterday, while John was asleep, I cried for the first time since childhood. I don't know why.

It just seems like I have no reason to get out of bed. What's the point if my life is just a repeating cycle of case, solve, case, solve?

I never do anything that makes my life worthwhile and I don't understand what's wrong with me.

I need to fix this. I know I can.

It's hard, but I sit up. "John?"

He rushes in.

"I-uh, I think I'd like to go for a walk."

And his grin makes me feel lighter than I have in a long time.

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