(4.) On My Own A Long Time.

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Disclaimer: I don't own An American Tail. I don't own the picture (cover). Or the song.

(qwertuno and SilentReadersMatter)

(Au where Fievel didn't find his parents.)

(Hope you enjoy.)

Tony Toponi is a twit.

After years of not seeing each other, he still seems as cocky as ever. Looking at Fievel like he's beneath.

Fievel is better than he'd ever be.

But he's curious.

"Is my family alive?"

Tony visibly flinched. Fievel sounds more grown, mature. He's counted the years he'd been missing.

Still, he's curious.

"Yes." The answer is uncomfortable. "They're alive. You know they're still looking Fievel. Don't you wanna go back?"

Did he? All these years he'd been on his own.

"Been on my one a long time."

Fievel stares at the sunset. The light is being consumed by the darkness. They don't have long until cats start their nightly hunt.

"Oh, and Tony?"

Fievel doesn't turn around.

"There are cats in America~"

The same song and dance from years ago on the duo bringing them all here. The nameless city is danger.

Somehow it fills Fievel with a thrill.

Putting his life on the line and having no one to live for has that affect. If there ain't no reason to live...


Fievel shivers. The cold is starting to seeping into his little frame. He considers Tony around sixteen years old. He never knew his original age.

"Philly?" The older mouse asks softly, putting an arm on his shoulder. "You want somewhere to stay the night."

Fievel nods feverishly, sneezing a little. He prays he hasn't gotten sick. He doesn't trust Tony.

Still, he wants somewhere to rest.


Tony Toponi is officially worried.

Leading Fievel to his makeshift home in the form of a whole in the wall. He's homeless to.

He just managed to build a life.


Fievel is squirming one his grip. Trying to escape, whimpers escape his mouth as if Tony's burning him alive. He pushed the older mouse.

"Don't touch me!"

Fievel is giving a fearful expression. Like Tony's gonna hurt him if he stepped outta line. That's when he realises in a heartbreak.

How long's this kid been touch starved?

If Fievel's been on his own a long time...

He ain't even been hugged.

Fievel immediately crawls into the couch. Settling on its frame, sighing in content at the warmth of a fire and the lack of coldness causing disease.

The twelve year old looked forward to sleeping.


Fievel glanced glanced so he didn't comes across as rude. Tony generously allowed him into the place.

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