Chapter 1 : Not So Normal

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I woke up hearing the alarm, you would probably think I'm on my way to school but no. I stay at home everyday helping my father get ready in the morning, my dad is a disable patient due to a very horrific car crash while back when he was depressed and drunk. Since that I never ever let him touch another bottle of alcohol, I don't do everything alone a nurse comes by and helps my father which is very difficult considering he's on the mental side and shouts and screams everyday.You must be pretty surprised of why I'm not in foster or anything it's because no one really knows about this except from Shannon my best friend and the nurse it's basically a very hard to keep secret. When I was little my mum died tragically but no one ever told me why but I the person I am obviously is filled with curiosity, I can't help it its a total mystery of why my dad was depressed and mum died I have this urge to find out. My phone started ringing totally and utterly cutting me from my personal thoughts I glanced over to the phone to see Shannon's name I quickly pick it up, "hey Celise how are you?" her sweet voice asks "hey, im good just woke up". I croaked I never realised how dry my throat was and cleared my throat awkwardly , "oh my, im sorry did I wake you how's you're dad doing?" Shannon asked full of concern. "No you didn't wake me up and dads doing fine he stopped screaming I guess that's good ",
"Yeah I was wondering if you wanted to go to the park I have something to tell you".
Sure, I'll be on my way I'll call the nurse and I'll be on my way",
"Okay, see you bestie ", I ended the call and went to go call the nurse my thoughts were coming in again what did she want to talk about, worriedly I walked downstairs and over to the landline and dialed the nurses number.

Hey coffee beans thank you for reading you like? As you can tell the chapters are a little longer than the dawn that I just love adding cliff hangers its a obsession anyway bye bye boos 😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😄😘

SurrenderDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora