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Shannon's POV

I sipped on the bitter addictive coffee man I couldn't stop thinking about Celise and when that 'soul' possessed her it was hella scary but I wasn't in the mood to tell it to anybody.I felt somebody watching me so I looked around to see Celise getting dragged from the window.

"Shannon are ya okay?,you seem a bit put off." Sapphire spoke concern laced through her tone, "Umm yup dandy as a bumblebee?"
It came out more of a question than a statement but judging from Sapphires bish please expression I could obviously knew that she wasn't convinced. "Sorry I think it's the periods you know?," I tried to make it more convincing but her stare was dang scary so I decided to run off to the toilet. After a few hours of trying to find the toilet I found it and YEESH it was creepy! It was a small congested room with a small mirror right above the dirty sink. Also a very dim broken light,I looked in the mirror and pulled out my hand sanitizer call me what you want.I rubbed the sloppy gel on my
Palm,and inhaled the disgusting scent of discreet alcohol denat.I took out my coral lipgloss and reapplied it brushed my blond locks,To be honest I didn't really remember my intention for coming here. I turned to leave but I felt a presence behind me I heard a window creak open as the cold air nipped at my pale coloured face.I saw a lean figure stalk toward me a human he had an evil smirk on his face little did he know I was taking out my pepper spray."Lookie what we have here a pretty little girl well just tell me where Celise is and your good to go..." his voice was eerie calm before he could take a step closer I sprayed the pepper spray and kicked his shin and private area.I was about to trip over the ridiculously small toilet but I catches myself and ran out of the room.

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