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As my mother was about to tell me this news my chest became heavy as i let out an ear piercing scream. I took a last look at my mother but something was off her ears started to bleed as her eyes turned a bloody red colour.

"Time will come my sweet..." Her
demonic voice spoke before my body shut out leaving me with the darkness.My mind drifted to dad and how miserable his life was each day screaming " I killed her" I knew there was a meaning.A meaning of why he was a drug dealer and he came home drunk to think all these years! My darkest memories came into view when mother died how he would breakdown and abuse me kick after kick punch after punch.

My thoughts were coincidentally disrupted by an annoying beep from... a heart monitor? I forced my fragile eyelids open and adjusted my Aqua orbs to the horrible brightness from the. Hospital lights above.

"It's a miracle she's awake!" A nurses voice spoke I gave a pointed glare at her and said sarcastically...

"So when a patient wakes up from a coma this is your first move?"

The bitchy nurse glared at me before calling a doctor jeez what's with people these days.The doctor was taking a hella a lot a tune so I ripped the IV tags off and peeked through the the curtains leading to the waiting room.

I saw the university students and a doubtful confused looking Shannon WTF did I miss!?
She looked at the verge of tears before I could speak the bitchy nurse and the snobby looking doctor walked what with the disruptions

SurrenderDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora