Chapter 2: There's a Way?

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Picture of Celise ⬆️

I ran upstairs nearly tripping a step, I opened my closet and picked out a white tank top and jeans simple.
I heard a knock at the door and opened it Sirena (the nurse) was standing with a cheery smile on her face "Hello Celise honey, you needed me?

"Yeah I have to meet Shannon at the park so I was wondering if you could help. I will only be a few minutes."

"Sure, have fun bye!"
"Bye!" And with that I sprinted down the alley and was walking towards the park, I was completely bothered by what Shannon needed to say was something wrong? I walked into the park and saw Shannon sitting peacefully on the bench.

"Hey Celise over here!" she gestured toward the space next to her and I hesitantly walked over and sat beside Shannon, as the cool autumn breeze passed by and brushed against my face hitting my brunette locks. The breeze was soothing, and fresh I loved coming here if I was having a bad bad day it was quite calming.

"So, I just was wondering I met these Uni students and they were just questioning me about your dads condition I mean they seemed to be researching your dads very rare condition and are willing to pay." It took me quite sometime taking in this info they were willing to pay for this research thing. I mean we are a little low on money and we are renting a house. " Its up to you I'm just trying to help, because I know it's quite hard for you nowadays."

"Shannon, I know you're trying help I mean what if they make fun of my Dad's condition?"

"Celise, I've known these students for a while and they would do no such thing they just want to research. It will help and benifit you Celise." Shannon said that like she was fully confident and there was no regrets.

"Alright Shannon, your words of wisdom convince me what will they do?"

"Celise don't worry, they'll just do some experiments and tests they're advanced in knowledge.They won't harm your Dad okay?"

"Alright," I hope this will make a change It's already unbearable, we ended the conversation with a hug and i walke back down the alley and knocked on the door. Who knows It's for the best?

Hey! do you like it so far leave a comment, i will try publish 1 chapter a day although i cannot promise anyways bye bye boo's!!

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