Chapter 6: Unusual Events

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Shannon's POV
At that point I felt so empty, Celise was going through so much.What could have happened? My thoughts were interrupted by a nurse she was holding a clipboard .

"Are you all here to see Celise Kentwood?"

The nurse asked as I immediately stood up as well as the students.

"Yes, yes we are how is her condition?" I croaked I had been crying a lot since she had passed out I cleared my throat anxiously waiting for and answer.

"She is surprisingly in a coma with the condition she had," relief washed over me hearing this.

"May we visit Celise?" I asked my impatience rising,

"Well, that was what I was here to tell you. Two at a time please that's the maxmaximum,"

And hell yeah I was going first, I pushed open the solid glass door and made my way into the room. I pulled over a chair to where Celise was and sat on it, i stared at her pale skin which was once the Colour tan. I couldn't restrain my tears as they rolled down my cheek like a waterfall, I wiped the salty tears as I saw something unusual happen Celise must have awakened, well that was quick. Only to see a very dull voice speak "Shannon, I do not have much time to tell you this I..." this voice was coming from Celise as she was talking she was cut off by the monitor as the doctor entered with nurses trailing behind.

"Shannon, can you please make your way to the waiting room," I did as I was told and opened the glass door as I took one glance behind me as Celise started screaming I shut the door, and sat down on the leather seat curiosity filling me who was that voice? What did she need to tell me? Was it Celise? I decided to keep this to myself.

"Hey, what happened?" Sapphire asked
"Umm... nothing just..." thankfully I was cut of from the nurse as she offered us coffee. What unusual events...

Hey guys hoped you liked Shannon's POV bye bye working on chapter 7 Drinking coffee!

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