It all Started with a Follow Chapter 20

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Chapter 20: Demi WTF?!

Wesley POV:

This week we got to sing two songs. I have been trying to convince Simon  to let us sing “Just the way you are” by Bruno mars. I want to dedicate it to Jannie. And he agreed. The second song we did not chose. Our fellow emblems fan base chose the song for us and it was the song was “Forever young” This week was important. It was the week we need to get into the Semi Finals. Jannie understood that and refused to text me or anything. We would talk on the phone until one in the morning until she says I need sleep for practice. She really supported my music and I loved that about her.

It was the day of the performance and Jannie said she did not want to come. She felt like she would be a distraction. If I choose any other girl to be talking to they would always be on my side. But Jannie doesn’t always seem to be around me. It shows it’s not for publicity and fame and that she actually likes me.

We were up to do our first performance and it was the song Just the way you are. I was setting in the middle. So I was in-between Brittney an Demi. When I started singing. Demi was looking at me and her eyes were twinkling. I decided to not make eye contact with her. And I just stared of in the crowd. I then knew Jannie was watching right now. So I stared into the camera as if I was singing to her. I hope she realizes what I am doing.

Finally when we ended. Every one gave their input. We then did our second act later in the night which was forever young. Demi was being a bit cruel. I did not like it one bit. After the show ended and pretty much everyone went home. I headed back to the studio to get my phone. I saw I had five texts from Jannie. I smiled but before I could open it I heard more lights flicker open. I looked up in confusion and saw Demi was looking at me determined. She then walked up to me and grabbed my phone.

She then saw the texts I had from. But did not get to read them considering I have a lock on my phone. She then saw my phone back ground and just snorted.

“Do you really think she likes you? She just wants your fame.” Demi said.

“No she doesn’t you don’t even know here.” I told Demi. Who the hell is she to tell my how Jannie is.

“Yes she is. Unlike me if you date me you can become more famous. And maybe even win xFactor.” Demi told me.

“As tempting as that sounds I was my boys and I to win the real way. And for Jannie she currently own my heart right now.” I told her an grabbed my phone and looked at my lock screen and smiled and put it on my pocket.

When I looked back up I see Demi’s hand reach up to my face and she kissed me. I then pulled away.

“Demi what the hell?” I censored my word. It’s not gentlemen like to curse at a female.

“Don’t act like you did not want it.” She said.

“I don’t need to act. I didn’t and still-“ I was saying until I was interrupted by her lips once again on my lips.

“Demi, I use to see you as a strong independent female who inspire girls to have a dream and not make stupid choices. But I guess I was wrong.” I told her and started to walk away.

“Wes wait!” she said.

“I don’t even want to hear it.” I said and kept walking out. And went to the house we are staying at. 

I was mad. I went straight to my room. I then laid in bed and unlocked my phone. I read the texts Jannie sent me.


Second text: Loved the performance(:

Third text: When you were singing I couldn’t help but think of your lips(;

That text got to me. I just kissed Demi. Not once but twice. I am such a fucking douche bag. I hate myself right now.

I then read the last two texts.

Fourth text: I just raped the votes<3 You boys will be in the Semi Finals:}

Fifth text: I like you. Okay bye.

The last one also made feel guilty. God I am such a douche. I just put my phone to charge and headed to take a shower. It was only seven but I felt like shit and just wanted to stay in for the night.

I took a shower. And then just laid in bed and after a hour I got dressed in basketball shorts and a tank. I then called Jannie.

She picked up on the second ring.

“Hi!” she said. I can tell she was smiling by the tone in her voice.

“So you were thinking of my lips aye?” I said smiling. But then felt like an asshole.

“I am not going to lie I was when you were singing Just the way you are.” She said and started laughing.

“I love your laugh.” I told her as I laid in my bed staring at the ceiling.

“Wesley, why are you so perfect? It’s not fair.” She said. Again another rush of guilt rushed over me.

“I’m not perfect Jannie. I am actually a fucking douche bag.” I told her exactly how I felt at the moment.

“That’s not even possible.” She said.

“Yes it is.” I said.

“No its not!” she argued.


It was silent over the phone. I had to tell her. I felt like a fucking douche.

“Jannie? Please say something.” I said quietly into the phone.

She was quite.

“And people wonder why I don’t tell them I like them right away.” Was the last thing she said before she hung up the phone in my face.


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