Chapter Two: The Carrige

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The day was drifting by so slowly just like the snowflakes outside, The storm was gone. Amber thought as she ate lunch in her snow covered treehouse.

She was eating a hot grilled cheese sandwich, and sipping hot chocolate. Her slide was covered in snow.

She started debating whether or not to slide down. She decided to slide down, so she took the broom and pushed all the snow off the slide. Then she slid down the slide. Burr! Amber shivered as a fresh wave of snow hit her. Amber pulled her scarf tighter around her neck. She climbed swiftly back up the ladder. She got her dishes and slid down the slide and went inside to put them in the dishwasher.

She checked the clock and it was 12:45. 45 more minutes. She had run up stairs after Miss. Rosie had disappeared, to pack. Now she was running up the stairs to carry her trunk down into the living room. She decided to wait outside. She played on her swing and monkey bars. She went inside the clock read 1:20.

"Mom!" Amber cried.

"I Know," Her mom replied.

They stood outside.Ten minutes later, a very large and very packed navy blue, horse drawn carriage creaked to a stop in front of their house.

"Here Amber." Her mom handed her a bag of peaches and some salami. "Have fun"

"Bye mom" Amber climbed into the carriage.

In the carriage sat three girls and two boys.

"Everyone, introduce yourself." Miss. Rosie said. "Let's start with the boys."

"Hi I'm Tom" said a boy with dark brown eyes and black hair.

"Hi I am Jack" said a boy with brown eyes and black hair too.

"Hi my name is Fern" Said a girl with bright green eyes and long red hair

"Hi I'm Sky." said a girl with piercing blue eyes and blonde hair.

"My name is Lauren" A girl said with brown hair and hazel eyes.

"Hi my name is Amber," She said.

"All right everyone sit down," Ms. Rosie ordered.

"Bye mom" Amber called.

Sky and Fern moved over so Amber could sit. "Want some?" Amber Offered Sky, Fern, and Lauren some peaches and salami.

"Sure!" said Sky and Lauren together.

"I'm vegetarian," said Fern. "But I'll have some peaches."

They talked until they turned onto a street.

"We're here" Announced Miss Rosie.

Tom and Jack Got out first, then Amber, Sky, Fern, and Lauren got out.

Fern's long red hair mixed with Amber's Red, Sky's blonde, and Lauren's brown.

They stood there open mouthed staring at the street. A sign that was creaking in the wind read 'Spellturn Alley'. The girls turned their backs as icy wind whipped by. All along the street were shop signs read things like: Wands, Potions, Spell books and loads of other signs.

"Look," Sky pointed.

Amber, Fern, and Lauren looked. There was a shop across the street. It was a cafe.

The clicking of Miss. Rosie's heels made them all jump. "Here are your money bags, trunks, and school lists." "Now go find your things and get at least one partner, remember it's a race."

"Do you want to be partners?" Sky asked Amber, Fern, and Lauren.

"Sure!" They all said in unison.

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