C h a p t e r 6

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I push the glass door to my job open then head inside, i flick the lights on next to the counter confused on why they're off

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I push the glass door to my job open then head inside, i flick the lights on next to the counter confused on why they're off.

"Aliyah how are you today" my boss says awfully cheery coming from the break room.

"I'm good" I say looking at him skeptical, he only smiles a weird smile, and walks towards his office upstairs.

I head to the back and clock In , and put on my apron and head out to get the club ready for today.

It's about 10am so it's not too busy around 12 when's people start strolling in..

2 hours passed and I am exhausted my feet probably already have blisters on them.

I look at the clock and see it's 12:00

I go in the back to clock out for my lunch I head to this little deli my favorite place to go, just down the street

Last night Adam and Owen had to leave in the middle of the night for some reason they said it was work related so I didn't mind much, at least they told me where they were going.

I open the door to the deli shop and order my usual.

"Hey aliyah" the owner Mac says I smile at him and say hello I head to the back for some chips and a sprite.

I go to pay for my stuff, not before saying bye to Mac and head outside to sit down and enjoy my Lunch, i go outside everyday to just people watch.

Two guys dressed In all black are sitting across from my job.

I shake my head, shady people come around all the time i check my phone to realize my lunch's almost over, if I'm a minute late my boss will freak.

I quickly wrap up my sandwich and head back over to the club.

I check the clock and see it's 1:00 right on time I smile to my self and clock back in.

15 minutes pass of me serving drinks and chatter filling my ears.

The two men I saw earlier walk in and take a seat near the back.

I released a sigh because that's  my section to serve, my boss ends up coming towards me with a look, I know that look.

"Can you work double, n' cover those tables over there, now" he spoke pointing in the direction of the men, exactly at the men.

I want to say no because I'm already doing something but if I do that will cost me my job. I slowly nod and he claps his hands and goes towards the kitchen.

I exhale and grab my note pad and a pen before heading off to the men.

"Hi my names aliyah and I will be serving you guys today, what can I get started for you" I say In the nicest voice i can muster up.

I keep my gaze on my notepad I'm not fully comfortable, I get weird vibes from them.

"I'll have a whiskey" the man on the right says I nod and jot that down


"I'll bring that right out" I head to the bar and start preparing the drinks, I look up and see the two men leaving?

The older man winks at me and leaves before shots ring out flying through the place, the windows shattering.

I immediately duck behind the bar counter and pull my phone out I immediately calling 911 my hands shaking, people frantic running and strippers diving off their poles.

"911 what is your emergency"

"He-hello my job is getting shot up" I say my voice wavering.

" and what is the address" the lady says.

" it's ***** **** drive"

"I'll send someone right away"

"Can you stay on the call with me" I say yes and shift myself further under the counter , trying my best to not be seen.

I notice my boss crawling towards me I look at him confused and he grabs me and throws my phone against the wall out of reach.

He pulls me from under the counter

"She's right here!!" He yells.

People scream some diving under the tables some already shot.

I duck seeing a gun pointed at my head, My boss goes down from being shot.

I crawl to the closest door that being the kitchen. I shakily grab the phone against the wall and dial the first number in mind that being Adams, the only other number I have is ms.g and Owens.

It rings before a gruff voice answers

"A-Adam my jobs being s-hot up and I don't know what to do I don't want to die" I cry into the phone.

I hear shuffling and Adam curses quietly to himself.

"Where are you, I need you to hide" he says his voice installs calming me.

"I'm in the kitchen" I say sniffling

"Ok baby what I'm going to need you to do Is go hide until I come get you" I don't answer hearing more screaming outside.

"Ok? Aliyah talk to me" he says with urgency.

"Yes I understand" I say.

"I'll be there as soon as I can" I say ok and he hangs up I run to the freezer and close the door

I slide down in the corner covering my mouth from my loud sniffling.

I hear the kitchen door swing open and I back up into the wall. I hear talking

"Well where could she be?!?"

"I don't know I saw her come in here"

"She's our only option to take down the two fuckers"

"I know boss, I'll find her"

I hear the kitchen door swing closed and I wait awhile before I check for sounds.

More shots go off and I cover my ears.

The freezer door swings open and I see Adam.

I run into his arms crying so much my head hurts.

His words are muffled in my hair.

"You're safe now, you're okay" he repeats this to me as he walks me outside the police sirens go off he shields my face from recording people.

I shift into him

I feel safe , I'm glad this is over

I look up and see a man with black shades and a hat on by the alley , his body being lit up by street lamps he tips his hat and walks down the alley

I have a feeling it's not over.


not edited.

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