C h a p t e r 17

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After swimming I decided to go back inside because it was uncomfortable as the guards were circiling the perimeter

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After swimming I decided to go back inside because it was uncomfortable as the guards were circiling the perimeter. Adam and Owen had to leave yet again.

So I decide to go make myself a sandwich seeing as I haven't gotten a chance to eat all day, I'm entering the kitchen when I hear a knock at the door.

I go to look to see if any of the guards got it but none around, I shrug my shoulders looking through the glass.

A tall man in a black suit gets out of his vehicle, looking mad he storms over to the door but before he could reach it guards rushed over to him yelling, he seemed unfazed.

He takes an envelope out of his pocket and smashes it against the bodyguards chest turning around and getting back in his car, it loudly starting up and he drives away.

I'm about to reach for the doorknob when a hand touches my shoulder.

I gasp and turn around startled, I calm down a little bit seeing it's vensi.

"Who was at the door?" He tilts his head sidewalks giving my body and up and down, i internally shiver.

"I don't know" I bump his shoulder passing him wanting to get away.

He mutters something under his breath checking his phone and walking into the kitchen, i hurry back up to the room and lock the door.

I watch as the car speeds away and the guards grumble talking on the walkie talkie and heading back into the house.

I decide on taking a nap waiting for them to come home as it's boring here anyway without them home.

I change into a tank top with shorts and pull the covers over my body, letting sleep take me.

2 hours later

"What do you do for work anyway?" I ask siping my juice, i twirl my straw around in the mason jar.

They both clear their throats looking at me from the front door, they both got home a second ago and I've just been sitting on the couch watching movies after my nap.

"Well uhm-" Adam start out but Owen hits him in the gut as he's standing in front.

"We are CEO'S my love" he finishes, i nod narrowing my eyes at them. I get up from my seated position and pick up an envelope then hand it to him, that was sitting on the dish in front door.

"Some guy left this here" i announce placing the envelope on the counter and put my jar in the sink.

I look over my shoulder seeing both of them give each other a look, Adam takes the envelope from Owens hands and starts to open it slicing the paper with his finger.

I turn around and lean on the island table curious to see what it is, or what's in it.

Adam pulls out a stack of photos by the looks of it he's not happy, all the color drains from his face. Owen looks confused as he grabs them too.

"What the fuck" one of them says below a whisper but i still hear it.

"What?" Now I'm curious because, what's got them so riled up?

I go to grab the opened envelope but Owen quickly raises it above his head so I can't reach.

"Are you serious?" I jump and try to grab the envelope. He quickly grabs my waist and pecks my lips, I pull away shocked. He smirks and hides the envelope in his suit pocket.

"Not fair" I pout crossing my arms over my chest. Both of their eyes go to my chest, I flush turning around.

"What's so bad anyway?" I question trying to get over the fact he just kissed me.

"Nothing you need to worry your pretty little head about" adam mutters still looking at the photos.

"Why?" I ask again following them to their office as they quickly walked up the stairs.

They pushed the door open as if they're unaware I'm hot on their tails. As if there communicating with their eyes they both turn to me with a unbearable expression.

"What?" I question standing at the door.

"Sit down princess" Owen motions to the leather chair in front of the big desk with many papers stacked on top of it.

I sit down crossing my legs waiting for them to talk they both sit on the front of the desk and stare at me, we'll this is creepy.

"You are not safe" Adam says looking over his shoulder at the papers and the stack of photos that were in the envelope.

"I think we know that ?" I look at them again laughing alittle.

"I don't know if we can protect you" I frown at this, why are they talking like this ?

"W-what do you mean ?" I ask in nearly shaking If they abandon me i have no idea what I would do.

"Sweatheart" I begin to get up walking towards the door.

One of them pull me by my waist and flush me again their chest, I close my eyes waiting.

"We need to take procautions" Adam whispers in my hair, he rocks us back and forth calming me down, so they're not leaving.

"I'm confused" I state looking up at him.

"You'll never leave our sides now" he grips my lower waist and smiles Down at me, he leans down and whispers in my neck.


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