One~ 'Strangers'

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{3rd person pov}

War cries of the piglin brutes sounded from the Bastion as a small child ran through the Blackstone structure. Long pink hair flowing behind the teenager as the heat collided against her face, by now used to the heat. Her red eyes determined as she raced towards the edge, knowing she could make the jump despite the enemy hot on her trail. She reached for the bow that was clasped to her back and readied an arrow as she neared the cliff.

Now only about 20 feet away from her jumping point, she hopped up onto a rather large rock, turning around mid-air fired off the bow that she had at the ready. The brutes sidestepped, narrowly missing the arrow but slowed them down enough for the teen to take her leap.

She landed on the other side of the lava, the brutes huffing in annoyance as they turned around to go back to their home, not bothering with the thief any longer as they wouldn't have been able to make the jump anyway.

Maeve took a deep breath as she sat down on the rocks a safe distance away from the edge, leading to a lava pit. She caught her breath as she checked through her inventory to see what she managed to snag from the piglins chests.

"Gold, gold, and more gold. What a useless bunch." She huffed, throwing out some of what she already had and what wouldn't have been useful to her into the lava lake.

'That could have been useful Maeve.' A gruff voice rang through her head, causing a noticeable eye roll from the teen.

"Trust me, it wasn't." She spoke aloud. If anybody were around at that moment, they would've thought she was crazy, but she knew that wasn't the case. She had been alone for who knows how long now, she sure didn't, she found herself trapped in the nether so long ago and has been searching since, all she knows is that she hasn't aged after an encounter of zombie piglin, a usually passive mob suddenly provoked turned her into the creature she was today, trapped in her 16-year-old body.

But that was ages ago, she had no idea how old she should be, nor did she care since she had always been more mature than others her age, you could thank her father for that.

Maeve sighed at the thought of her father, she missed him dearly but she was no longer sure if he was still alive but stayed positive despite, voices in the back of her mind reassuring her that he had to be along with her uncles.

With healthier thoughts ringing through her head, she hummed softly and stood up, making her way through the heat of the nether once again, on guard at all times yet still relaxed.

{In Snowchester}

"Are you sure you want to do this Tubbo? I mean, it's the first time that Micheal will be out of the house since his trip from the nether and we're leaving him with someone who he hasn't even seen much. What if something happens and we aren't there for him. Or what if-"

"Ranboo, come on, I already convinced myself that this would be good for him, don't worry me about it now. Besides, we trust Niki, right? We'll only be gone for a couple of days, time will go by quicker than we know it." The shorter hummed, calming down his platonic husband.

"You're right, you're right. I'm sorry, I don't know why I'm worrying so much. Let's go grab Michael and take him to Niki's, she's probably waiting." The half enderman-half ~???~ said, taking a couple of deep breaths before leading the way towards their house to pick up their zombified child from their house.

As soon as they reached their shared home, they gathered everything they would need for their trip to the nether and then made their way to Micheal's room. The two husbands smiled softly as they saw their son playing with his pet chicken.

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