Chapter 28

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"She works for me," M interrupted, having heard the Widow's demand.

An icy silence filled the room, Nicole looking at M wondering who should speak next. She had to say something, otherwise it might be assumed she would kill on the Widow's command simply to get her hands on those lists. "Any thug can kill," she said, eventually. "Why not get one of your friends to do it?"

"Oh honey, how naïve of you. I could do it myself but for one teensy little thing. I want to see you struggle with the decision. Moral dilemma, how delicious. Will she, won't she, will she, won't she."

Nicole wanted to put her hands round the throat of the Widow, squeeze until her tongue no longer had the power to torment, as she had tried to in the pool. Having never killed anyone with her bare hands, she was prepared to make an exception for the Widow, again, just to stop her from screwing with her life.

M placed a finger to her own lips, her eyes on Nicole. "You underestimate my operative. Do your worst."

"Oh, I will. I most certainly will."

M ended the call, shaking her head. "I knew she was fragile, but fuck me. Apologies, long day. Whiskey?"

Nicole nodded, amused at having heard her boss drop the F bomb. Then again, she too could so easily swear after that conversation. "We still don't have the lists," she said, accepting a large glass of amber liquid.

"I have my doubts about the value of those," M replied, staring into her own drink. "To think we loved each other once. She's no longer the same person."

Nicole allowed the alcohol to warm the back on her throat. "What now?"

"If I'm being honest, I don't know. The Prime Minister wants answers. She's calling a press conference in two hours to tell the nation we have this under control."

"Do we?"

M looked up from her glass. "You know, it's like sitting in front of a mirror with you."

Nicole raised her glass. "I'm not one for sugar-coating life."

"I know, I hired you," M replied, raising her own glass.

"What if I make the kill?"

M rolled her eyes. "I know you hate me, but let's put things into perspective here."

"She can't mean you?"

M took another slug of whiskey. "You are not the first she's tried to recruit for her sick little game of retribution."

"I'm sorry."

"I'm not looking for the sympathy vote. Back to business. We find a way to get those lists."

"With J gone we're clutching at straws."

"Maybe," M replied, placing her glass on the desk, turning towards her computer screen. "I know someone who might be able to help us." Nicole watched as M typed away. "One of the best. Tried recruiting him. I've sent a message to contact you."

Nicole's phone rang. "Do you have almond milk?" Waverly said. "I can't find any."

"There should be some in the fridge. No wait, cupboard in the hall. You okay?"

"Lonely. When are you coming home?"

"Soon. I'll get some on my way."

Only then did it dawn on Nicole she left Waverly alone in the house, looking at M to be excused as a child would desperate to pee, eyes begging a teacher unsure whether they would be allowed to leave.

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