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For those who have read my books before, for this one, I will be included more sexual scenes more frequently. That being said, for full blown smut, I will give you a warning, but for the more soft stuff, I want you to be aware it can pop up!


"I'm sorry love," Anna whispered as she hugged Rachel. "You got dealt a really shit hand, but you go out and continue to be the boss you are."

Anna fell back to Liam's side as the islanders hugged Rachel. The girls headed to the dressing room to sit with her as she packed, the boys meeting them downstairs when it was time for her to go.

"Have fun for me," the girl smiled as she waved over her shoulder and exited the villa. 

"That sucked," Anna commented as she and Liam headed for the swing. 

"I know," the boy frowned. 

"I hate the way things went for her after Brad," Anna shook her head. "Like I am convinced he never liked her he just wanted to stay in."

"You could be right," Liam agreed as he watched Brad and Lucinda chat in the kitchen. "Let's focus on the good stuff though, did you like my little speech?"

"Oh I loved it babe," Anna dazzled him with a bright smile. "You said everything I have been feeling, like you and I just had this connection from our first chat."

Liam pulled her over to sit on his thigh, wrapping a hand around the back of her neck and pulling her down for a slow and sensual kiss. She let him take the lead, her mouth opening under his. The two continued like that for a few more moments until Anna started squirming. She pulled back with a nibble of his lip, looking at him with blown pupils and her lips looking thoroughly snogged. 

"You are unreal," Liam groaned loudly as she got up and stalked away to get ready for bed. 


"Are you dressing up?" Faye asked Anna as she put on her moisturizer. 

"May just wear my little silk tank and short set," she dug through her drawer looking for the clothes. "You gonna have a little spoon tonight?"

"We snogged on the terrace earlier," Faye admitted, rolling her eyes when Anna grinned manically. 

"So definitely having a spoon tonight then," Anna laughed. 

"What about you? Gonna have a snog In bed?" Faye wiggled her eyebrows. 

"We had a kiss earlier and it was very hot," Anna admitted as she got changed. 

"Would you have sex in here?" Faye asked the younger girl. 

"I don't know, if it was with the right person maybe," Faye agreed and the girls headed to the bedroom. 

"Good night islanders," Jake yelled as the lights turned off. Anna turned her body so she could lay her head on Liam's chest. 

"Are you excited to be in an actual bed?" Liam whispered.

"Of course I am," she giggled. 

"I like this outfit," Liam said into her hair as he let one of his arms grab Anna's thigh to drape over his own. His hand drifted to her ass, feeling the silk under his hands. 

"Thank you," she breathed out as she reached up to tilt his head towards her and connect their lips. Liam's hand continued to caress her upper thigh, ghosting over her ass and grabbing her waist. Anna grasped for the duvet blindly to pull it over their heads as Liam's hand slipped under her top. His hand was warm against her and her nipple immediatley hardened as his hand slipped further up her top. 

"This alright?" Liam breathed out as he pulled his lips from hers to kiss down her neck. 

"Mhm," Anna gasped as his hand made a path to grasp her breast. She threaded her fingers into his hair to pull his lips back to hers as his fingers plucked at her nipple. Her hips began to rock against him, but the two parted when they heard someone get out of bed. 

"That was hot," Anna giggled as she rested her head back on his chest. She could hear his heart beating quickly and tried to slow her own breathing as Liam pulled the duvet back down.


The next morning, Anna joined Faye, Kaz, Liberty and Sharon to talk about their nights. "Jake has a pretty big-"

"Stop," the girls all yelled at Liberty who was all to willing to share all the details of her and Jake's bedtime activities.

"Well listen, I'm not the only one who got hot and heavy last night," Liberty threw the side eye at Anna who avoided her gaze. 

"Not our little darling Anna!" Kaz gasped.

"What did you get up to you naughty girl?"

"Just some snogging," Anna shrugged. "The man is unbelievably fit."She looked over to see him working out with Teddy in the gym area. 

"Agreed," the girls all echoed, laughing when Anna glared at them.


That afternoon, the islanders competed in the 'Spit the Roast' challenge. 

"I was dreading it the moment we read the text," Anna groaned from the beach hut where she and Liam were sitting, covered in food. 

During the challenge, the boys had to pick up different food items in their mouths and give them to their partner, and the girls had to fill containers with the food. Liam and Anna had a leg up because of their height difference, and ended up winning the challenge. 

"I like winning as much as the next person but that was gross," Liam laughed as he watched Anna pick at the condiment in her hair.


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