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"You alright girls?" Anna went over to join Kaz and Chloe.

"We just talked with Lib about the challenge, its all a bit tits up," Chloe explained. 

"Heres the thing with Lib. I think for her age, she is super mature and very wise. But I do think she's let Jake sweep her off her feet," Anna shook her head. 

"Jake's got the gift of the gab," Chloe nodded. "They moved so fast and didn't have the little wobbles and things, and now they have and its like what?"

"I think he's very aware he's on TV sometimes," Anna shrugged. "And it's a shame. I do think his personality in here is the same as it would be on the outside, but he does seem a bit calculated to me."

"I don't think his intentions are what Lib deserves," Chloe frowned.

"I think I'm starting to see it too, which is really hard," Kaz shook her head, the girls laying back in the sun. 

"you look stunning tonight babe," Liam whistled, walking into the dressing room to dry his hair, but not before dropping a quick kiss to Anna's lips

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"you look stunning tonight babe," Liam whistled, walking into the dressing room to dry his hair, but not before dropping a quick kiss to Anna's lips. The girl couldn't keep the smile off of her face while she finished her makeup, making eye contact with Liam the whole time. When they finished, they linked hands and headed downstairs. Liam went to put on a shirt, before the two headed outside to grab drinks. 

"Cheers everyone," the islanders gathered around Jake. "Today was a bit of a tough day, but heres to the memories and friends, and moving forward together." Everyone cheeresed, before splitting up. Anna found herself on the swing with Faye and Kaz, talking about Lib and Jake again. 

"Sometimes I feel like a shit friend because she will tell me whats wrong, and then go talk to Jake and come back and be like 'oh I was overthinking' which she isn't? And I never want to be the one to tell her she's wrong. But now I feel even worse because I do think he may be talking his way out of things."

The girls nodded in agreement, before they were joined by Liberty. 

"What are you thinking babe?" Anna looked at the blonde. 

"I mean, I need to just lay my cards on the table. Like I told him I loved him, and he didn't say it back, but that was four weeks ago. And like this is the biggest test I've ever been through, and if I can come through on the other side of this, I will be so much stronger."

The girls watched as Liberty went to pull Jake, and walked upstairs. Anna and the other girls dispersed, the brunette heading to the kitchen where Liam was plopped on a bar stool. "Hi baby," he grinned, pulling her between his legs. She cupped his cheeks and pecked his nose before kissing his lips. 

"You want a snack? Or some tea?" she asked as she pulled back, Liam nodding in response. Anna retreated to the other side of the bar to start cutting up some pineapple and fill the kettle for tea. She doctoring up her own cup when she saw Liberty come back to the garden.

"You alright babe?" Anna could see the happiness in the blondes face. 

"You ok Lib?" Liam asked as the blonde just fanned her face with a grin, Anna walking up to hug her. 

"Yeah, I'm alright," she laughed. "I wanna grab you and Kaz and them." Anna nodded, Liberty grabbing her hand and leading her away. 

"Liam the tea!" Anna gestured to the waiting cups, the man laughing as he stood up to finish making their drinks. 

Liberty was joined by all the girls as she began to talk about her talk with Jake. 

"There was a lot of deflection and I was just like telling him how I felt," Liberty was interrupted by the girls hyping her up. "And then he told me I made him feel ways he had never felt before. And he said I would say this to the lads and I wouldn't say this to you, and I do love you."

Anna made eye contact with Chloe who she knew was thinking the same thing. All the girls were silent in shock, Liberty looking around at them. Chloe was shaking her head while Liberty finished up before speaking. "You're gonna hate me. But do you not think he's telling you what you want to hear?"

Liberty looked at the blonde for a moment. "Is that what you all think?" Faye shook her head, likely in disbelief. 

"Babe," Anna sighed. "I have to admit, the things you were talking with us earlier, if you said all those things and his reaction was to tell you he loves you. It just doesn't make a ton of sense, but that is to me personally."

"Did you talk to him about the things you said to us before all this?" Kaz tried to understand. "Or did that conversation not happen."

"No it did," Lib explained. "I told him how I was feeling and then he said it. Do you think I'm being an idiot."

"We can't tell you how to feel, and I don't think he would say something he didn't feel. But do you not think it's convenient he said it this evening?" Anna nodded her agreement with Chloe, Faye even having to walk off. 

"I know how Faye felt, like I wanted to walk off with Faye, but I wanted to be there for Lib," Anna shook her head in the beach hut.

Chloe ended up following Faye's lead, leaving Lib with the other girls. "I mean how can you say something like that if you don't mean it?" The girls sat there for a moment in silence. 

"This is not the reaction I wanted," Lib looked at the girls. 

"I don't want you to feel like we're judging you," Kaz reassured. "I know out energies aren't matching yours."

"I think he just thought tonight, he had no answers for the things you were asking of him, so he said it," Mary theorized. "If you're scared to tell someone you love them, it brings you closer not further apart." 

"I think we are just worried he has said this to you as a way of getting out of answering these concerns you had," Kaz voiced, Anna nodding vehemently in agreement. 

"I think at the end of the day, we hope this is genuine. But as outsiders, to us it looks like a deflection," Anna rubbed Lib's arm. "But also, you are the one in this, and your opinion is the one that matters. As long as you're happy."

Anna laid back in to Liams side a while later, watching as Jake pulled Faye and Chloe was quick to join them. "Oh Christ, here we go," she sighed, ready to get up. 

"Where you going?" Liam pulled her back down. 

"Getting ready to referee," Anna rolled her eyes. "That can't go down well."

"They'll be fine babe," Liam put his arm around her shoulder. Surprisingly, not shouting was had and no tears were shed before it was time for the islanders to head to bed. 

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