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The next morning, all of the girls were on the terrace talking about their nights. The door opening interuppted them, Danny stalking through with a cup in hand. 

"Here you go, made with love," he winked as he handed the cup to AJ. 

"Thank god, hopefully the saga is over," Anna huffed. 

Anna listened as Liberty gave the girls the details about her night with Jake. 

"Like, I like to think I'm a pretty open girl but Lib is just on another level," Anna giggled in the beach hut. 

"Cereal for you Anna," Liam passed her a bowl as she came into the kitchen for her tea. 

"Thank you hun," she leaned up to kiss his cheek. 

"He is always doing little things for me, I love that," Anna grinned in the beach hut. "In my past relationships, I have always been the one almost grafting? And with him I do think its an even 50/50."

Anna headed to the day bed with Liam, him leaving her there while he went to work out. 

"You two are so cute," Faye gushed as she and Teddy joined her. 

"I am proper into him like, I couldn't see my head turning at all," Anna admitted to the two. "I have definitely caught feelings."

"It is really scary catching feelings in the villa, just because you never know what's around the corner, like Liam's wife could walk into tomorrow," Anna frowned.

"You need to tell him hun," Faye frowned at the girl. 

"I know I'm the last one to give advice, but I do think Anna is being reserved about how she feels with Liam because she is scared," Faye spoke in the beach hut. "She can't see what the rest of us do that he literally only has eyes for her."

"We'll see," Anna changed the subject. The three chatted for a bit until Faye's phone rang. 

"I've got a text!" She yelled. "Faye and Teddy, You're going on a date! Get ready to leave the villa."

The girls all yelled and followed Faye up to the dressing room. "Now you've just given me this advice, so I'll say the same to you. Be open with the boy!" Anna hugged the blonde as she got ready to head downstairs. 


The group hung around for the afternoon, things picking up when Faye and Teddy returned. 

"So we went on a bike ride," the girls giggled. "And we had drinks after. It was very nice to just get to chat more, and I did open up a little with him about why I am the way I am and things."

"I'm proud of my girl!" Anna clapped.

The girls separated from their gossip session when Jake yelled out that he had a text. "Islanders, its time to get groovy for tonights 70's themed party."

"Are you gonna talk with Liam tonight?" Faye asked Anna as she was putting the other girl's hair up in space buns

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"Are you gonna talk with Liam tonight?" Faye asked Anna as she was putting the other girl's hair up in space buns. 

"Yeah I probably should," Anna bit her lip. 

"Just do it babes, you'll be glad you did I bet."

The girls all took photos on the mirrors and Individually before heading to the garden. They then had another photoshoot with the boys before moving on to make drinks. 

"Can we chat please?" Anna asked Liam once they both had their drinks in hand. 

"Of course babe," he offered her his hand and let her lead him to the swing. "What's going through that pretty head?"

"So I know I'm not super expressive with how I feel," Anna started slowly. "And obviously since I've come in here, I haven't even wanted to get to know someone else. Like everyday you show me more and more to like about you."

"I honestly was pretty scared," Liam said from the beach hut. "Wasn't sure if she was going to friendzone me or tell me she loved me."

"Basically I just want to be super clear that I have very strong feelings for  you, and I would be gutted if your head were to turn," she admitted. 

"I feel the same," Liam agreed. 

"Honestly, I haven't even thought about asking a girl to be my girlfriend in so long. But I know eventually I want that with Anna, so I felt like giving her some sort of reassurance would show that," Liam said in the beach hut.

"How would you feel about being exclusive?" Liam asked hesitantly. "Like we are only getting to know one another, and there will be nothing happening with other people without a conversation happening with us first."

"That's something you would be ok with?" Anna asked with a raised brow. 

"Darling, I would introduce you to my parents right now if I could, this is nothing," he smirked cheekily. 

"Is this like being half dating?" Anna giggled.

"Obviously I was thinking of a previous season when I said that, but I hope we have a different outcome," Anna grinned. 

"Yeah babe," Liam leaned in to kiss her gently. "No eyes on anyone else other than you. Obviously we can't help being chose for dates and things, but in here I'm not chatting with intent with anyone but you."

"Well, I would say that conversation went better than I expected," Anna held her hands over her red cheeks.

The two were pulled out of their little bubble when they heard Faye shout. "I've got a message! All islanders please gather around the fire pit."

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