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Shortly after Matt's departure, the group found themselves back in the garden cheersing to the boy who had become a huge part of the villa. After that, Anna found herself on the daybed with Faye and Mary, taking selfies. 

"I feel like Liam's up to something," Anna said under her breath, following the boy with her eyes as he ran into the villa, Jake coming out shortly after. 

"Tyler's asking Kaz to be excusive," Teddy whispered, leaning against Faye's side as the group watched Kaz and Lib walk towards Jake, who left the bean bags. 

"Aw," Anna cooed as she watched Kaz beam, before heading over to the daybeds. The group on the other day bed moved over to the second one, watching Kaz read her next clue. As Liberty walked Kaz inside, everyone else moved over to the space under the terrace. 

"It was funny, we were all watching but all we could hear was kaz yelling," Anna laughed in the beach hut. "That was cute though, good on them."

The group all cheered as the couple leaned over the terrace side to announce their status. Anna leaned into Liam's chest as they clapped, smiling at the feeling in the villa. The group moved to the kitchen, chatting and then greeting Kaz and Tyler came down. They made it through their round of hugs before the two headed over to Jake and Liberty. 

Not surprisingly, the producers opened the hideaway for the night. The group quickly chose Kaz and Tyler, the girls all heading up to the dressing room to help Kaz get ready. After the group escorted them to the hideaway, Anna was pulled outside to the daybed by Liberty. 

"What's going on babe," Anna laid down facing the girl, pulling the duvet over their legs. 

"So when we were over there, and Kaz was coming down, I wanted to just go up and hug her. So I was down there screaming," the blonde explained. "And Jake just kept telling me no, and not to do that. And this should have been a them moment, not an us moment. And it's just really made me think, what is for the cameras and what isn't?"

Anna hmed as the blonde talked. "Like I think what me and Jake have is genuine, but that thing just made me feel so icky."

"I think you just need to see how it goes," Anna reached over to rub the blonde's shoulder. "It's ok to be cautious or take in the situations as they come, because that is what would happen on the outside."

The girls talked for another few seconds, before deciding to head upstairs to get ready for bed. "Hello gorgeous," Liam smirked as Anna came into the bedroom. 

"Hello mate," Anna jumped into their bed. 

"Don't call me mate," he mean mugged as she leaned over him on all fours. 

"Why not mate?" Anna squealed as a heavy hand came down on her ass. "Liam!" she squeaked, the other islanders laughing as they watched Anna rub her bum.

"I told you," he shrugged with a little grin. "Mate will not be used babe."

Anna faux glared as she laid down as the lights went down. The brunette was quick to wrap himself around her, resting his head on her chest and his arms around her waist. The two chatted for a few minutes, before Anna's eyes slowly drooped. 

"Alright pretty girl," Liam laughed softly, moving off her chest and pulling her along so she then rested on his. "Good night."

"Hmmm, goodnight," she whispered back, snuggling into his hold. 

The next morning, the girls were quick to hop out of bed when they saw Kaz and Tyler leave the hideaway, heading to the terrace for a gossip. 

"How was the hideaway?" Chloe beamed at the girl. 

"It was great, good to get to get a little closer," Kaz laughed, hiding her face. "Simultaneous NVQ1's were delivered." The girls all yelled, piping down as Teddy and Brett came out with iced coffees. The girls then listened as Priya talked about her evening with Brett, and then Mary talking about her spoon with Aaron. 

After the girls got dressed and headed downstairs, Anna made a bee line to Liam as always. "Mate," she whispered, pulling Faye to a stop.

"What?" Faye looked at the shorter girl in confusion. 

"Liam is looking proper fit this morning," Anna's eyes were practically glazed over as she looked at the tall Welshman in a black muscle tank and white hat, his chain and chest hair in view. 

"Oh my god," Faye laughed loudly, pulling Anna along to the kitchen.

"Whats got you going this morning?" Teddy asked as his partner came to join them cackling, with Anna blushing. 

"Anna literally just stopped me in the middle of the walkway to talk about how hot Liam is," Faye laughed as Anna punched her arm. She met Liam's gaze with an innocent smile, him smirking in return.

"Better watch out, my girlfriend will having something to say about that," Liam faux glared at the girl as she came up to wrap her arms around his waist and rest her chin on his chest. 

"Gimme a kiss," she puckered her lips, waiting patiently for him to give in and lean down to press his lips to hers. The couple decided to head over to the daybeds to eat their breakfast. 

"Can we get a dog when we get out," she asked Liam randomly, twirling her hair. 

"I would love a dog," he nodded. "What kind though?"

"I quite like big dogs," Anna laid down on her side.  "Like a golden retriever. But I would want a house for a big dog. So maybe a little one to start. A little sausage dog?"

"I love sausage dogs!" Liam laughed. "My best mate growing up had two. Let's get a sausage dog then."

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