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"Could I speak with you?" Lillie interrupted Liam and Toby's conversation, the shorter boy quickly leaving and the blonde taking his place. "I just wanted to come over and see where your head is at."

"Yeah, I mean obviously you're all stunning. But my heart is with Anna and thats the end of the story," Liam threw back some of his drink. 

"Well, if you change your mind, my bed is open," she smirked at him as she headed inside. 

"Mate," Jake groaned as he came over to join him. "You're really not even going to give that a shot?"

"Nope," the boy shrugged.

"I think you're making a mistake mate," Jake shook his head as Teddy joined them. 

"I think Jake is trying to get us to pursue things because he can't and he just wants to live vicariously through us," Liam shook his head.

"I was talking with these girls tonight and my mind just kept going back to Faye," Teddy frowned. 

"I've been the same with Anna," Liam agreed. "I'm already ready to go back to her."


"Where are you sleeping tonight Chloe?" Anna asked as the girls got dressed for bed. 

"I think I'll stick to the day beds with you and Faye," she answered. "I don't want to give them too much confidence if I share the bed on night 1."

"Do you have your eyes on any of them?" Anna questioned. 

"I think Dale is fit, but I really don't like his chains," the girls burst into laughter at her words. 

Anna headed outside with Faye and Chloe, joining Faye in one daybed while Chloe took the other.

"Are you two already missing your boys?" Chloe smile at the girls who had both come down wearing one of their boys jumpers.

"Yeah," Anna cuddled with Faye. "I know I'll miss sharing a bed with him, he is a really good cuddler.

"I just hope he's sleeping outside too," Anna whispered in the beach hut, wrapped up in Liam's sweatshirt.


"Night boys," Liam waved to Teddy and Jake in the teepee from where he was setting up a day bed. 

"Liam?" A voice called from the villa. "You're more than welcome to come share with me."

"I'll be alright, thanks," he called with a wave over his shoulder. 

"Lillies face when she went back inside was priceless," Teddy cackled.


"Good morning girls," the boy's voices woke the three girls outside that morning. 

"Hello!" Anna yawned as she put on her sunglasses so she could quit squinting. Once Faye and Chloe had woken up too, the three greeted the boys before making their way up to the dressing room. 

"How was your sleep outside?" Liberty asked as the girls came in. 

"It was actually alright," Faye nodded. Kaz's response was interrupted by all of the boys filing In with cups in hand. 

"Got morning drinks for ya," Sam grinned as he dropped one off with Anna. 

"Thank you," she smiled sweetly as she looked into the cup. 

"Aren't they cute? Even if I hate coffee, that was very sweet," Anna giggled in the beach hut.


"Good morning," Lillie sat down next to a still yawning Liam. 

"Morning," he greeted. "You sleep alright?"

"Yeah, could've been better. I hate sleeping alone," she gazed at him through her sunglasses. 

"Mhm," the boy nodded as he looked out over the villa. 

"So where is your head at?" the blonde asked. 

"I mean, I have been with Anna for two a half weeks, and with where my relationship is with her, I am not willing to risk it on something in here," the boy shrugged apologetically. 

"How can you be sure she isn't getting to know other boys right now?" she asked incredulously. 

"Because I trust her, and she trusts me," he grinned. Their talk was interrupted by Hugo's phone ringing. "Islanders, the Main Villa and Casa Amor are about to compete in the Raunchy Races. Please gather at the fire pit."

The group sat there waiting for the first phone to buzz. By the close of the challenge, Lillie had kissed Liam, Teddy had kissed Clarisse, Toby had sucked Mary's toe, and more raunchy acts had been completed between the group.


"I am quite annoyed with that game," Liberty vented to Faye, Kaz and Anna. "Like the fact the Jake won every challenge he was in? That's not a good feeling."

"I know love," Anna wrapped and arm around her. "But it was just a challenge, think of it that way." The blonde nodded her head. 

"Obviously, it's not nice thinking of Liam kissing other girls. But I had a kiss in the challenge as well. It is the game, but at the end of the day it's when things happen outside of the challenges when there's a problem."


"How is everyone feeling after the challenges?" Jake asked. 

"I want to know if Toby has a foot fetish now," Teddy laughed with the other boys. 

"Nah mate not at all," he shook his head. "Liam how was that kiss with Lillie."

"It was a kiss," he shrugged. 

"Not going to pursue that?" Jake prodded. 

"No," the boy answered firmly. 

"Hugo how about that snog with Amy though," Teddy tried to get the pressure off of Liam.


"Can I ask you something and you tell me the truth," Faye asked Anna as they sat on the swing. 

"Of course."

"Do you reckon Teddy is too calm for me?"

"Absolutely not," Anna shook her head.

"Sometimes I worry that our personalities are too different," Faye admitted. 

"Yeah, but you wouldn't work with someone as fiery as you!" Anna pointed out. "You need someone to ground you you know?"

"I do like the way I feel like Teddy mellows me out," the blonde grinned. 

"You have been in less fights since you two have been coupled," Anna winked.

The girls all went upstairs to get ready for bed. "You coming inside tonight Chloe," Anna cheered as the blonde blushed. 

"Yeah, I'm going to bunk with Dale tonight," the girl grinned. 

"Good on ya," Anna nodded as she took her makeup off. She and Faye then headed back to the day beds, saying their goodnights as they walked through the bedrooms. 

"Hopefully we only have one more night of this because I hate sleeping outside," Anna pouted.


Yall, rewatching for me to write, I fucking love abi omg like what a gem!!!!! 

also fianale predictions? here is my prediction, spoilers ahead if you aren't caught up

Fourth Teddy and Faye

Third Kaz and Tyler

Second Millie and Liam

Winners, Chloe and Toby

I hope liam and millie don't win tbh because I know thats what the producers are pushing now. I truly don't think they will last outside of the villa, Liam is untrustworthy in my opinion 

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