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It's already noon. We'll take a break after a few minutes, all the miners took the corners of the cave, eating with their own made lunch or just a few bread and water is always enough. I'm one of the people who only eat bread, they're cheaper but it's nothing like a cooked egg.

I took another bite. I could only hear the Miners talk about their lives or what's the news at the moment. It's only for a few minutes before I could hear the shovels and picaxes start their singing. When I thought it was going to be the usual day as like any other day I've been with. A loud steps of metals could be heard on my left side, it was the way for an exit.

All miners caught their attention, it was a surprise. they stood up as they watch them continue walking on the other way. They looked like a small team probably a group of seven or so. But most seemingly asked question on everyone is, "Why are they here?" The old man near me asked the other he was talking with. 
The group was now near us, it seems like there was a guide but there was one that caught my eye, a female knight with pink hair. Her eyes suddenly turned to me, looking at me like one of them people. Just a normal miner without any purpose other than mine resources for the kingdom. Maybe I'm overthinking but she seem wild with that kind of look as it feels like she's giving an aura of a monster.

She slowly face away after a staring contest but i kept looking behind her as she goes. Female knights aren't common, they're known to be only picked when they are truly skilled with a sword, not like the barbaric men who goes into fight even without skill like these female knights. That's why I had expected she might be the leader of this group.

A few minutes passed the break was over and we started doing our own thing as usual. That...stare earlier gave uncomfortable feelings, what is it that makes my body feel something weird? I tried to distract myself with mining but it didn't work. She gives me this feeling of..Darkness.

I found some common ores after a couple more hits. Taking the stones and dirt around it, I could feel the heaviness of the ores on my hand. Dropping it on the empty railway cart, I looked at it for a few seconds. Tiring as it should be, I sigh as reminding myself we all have to do these everyday like slaves. Actually, slaves has it even more rough, other countries that allows slavery to happen is much worse than this. I can't imagine myself getting beaten up for a single mistake, the worst is getting used as much they want to, even unto your death. They hold your life like an animal that can just be butchered in any seconds.

As long as this country doesn't allow slavery, I have nothing to worry about or have anything to do with it.

I scratched my head. Why am I even thinking about this, I should continue my work before I get caught. Before I could turn around a sudden shake happened. The Miners suddenly stopped at the second it started, everyone was startled. After just a few seconds it stopped. Everyone was looking around if anything happened with the ways for an exit, they were all fine however...

"Hey everyone!" A sudden shout from the other side was heard. He asked if everyone was fine. We grouped and it seems like no one was injured. He was just another miner from the other side and asked if one of us could go to where the group of knights investigated.

"But where did they go?" The old folks asked.

"The captain said it was on the accident." He replied.

"Wait! Are you trying to put us in danger!?" One of the miners was furious.

"The captain said we only just need one of the miners. He'll be fine with the knights so no one has to worry." He explained calmly to the Miners.

"How could you know that it's safe!?"

"I am not the captain, I'm just passing message like the others." The guy who was explaining seems like he's getting annoyed and just wants to get back.

"We're not going, we-" before he could finish his ranting I interrupted him.

"I'm going." They looked at me, they seem surprised with my sudden interruption. 

"Kid don't even try risking your life-"

"Please, let me do the work." They stopped as I said that. We all know the captain is gonna ruin our income for the next few months or so, maybe even worst for not listening orders. Ofcourse that's not the only reason, they're scared of also losing their lives, they would think I'm just a foolish young man but I did not care.

I dropped my pickaxe and started walking through the deep tunnels of the cave. Looking back, they seem to be a little worried about me being one of the youngest on this mining group risking my life, maybe even some of them think they're over reacting since it's been years when that happened. 

Facing the darkness with my lantern, I started to feel nerves. The only reason why I stepped in earlier is because I truly want to see where my father died, it's dangerous I know but my curiosity is just getting the best of me.

That female knight before, knowing there's people on that place makes me feel a little bit calm. It's better about the fact they're knights and I'm sure they know magic. They wouldn't send a group of people who knows nothing about magic when this cave is literally filled with magic ores and the fact that an accident happen years ago because of magic. 

Another shake happened. I stumbled on the corner but it seems like it stopped again just after a few seconds. The shaking didn't help calming my nerves about this place but i have to keep walking through these long tunnels going down and deeper, it starts to feel a bit cold. I stood up and kept going while I stand at the corners.

I've been walking for around 5 minutes I still haven't found them in this only one way of the tunnels. As I was just thinking about them, I saw two of the knights sitting at the corner. I was tired as a dry grass but I ran towards them and they noticed me.

"What happened!?" I asked panting.

"We're injured, I already patched him up and he just need rest." The blonde short haired person answered. He continued talking as she looked at me, "You need to help the others down there, there's a monster they're handling. I'm not sure if they can take care of it." 

"Okay stay here, I'll be back later." I told them as I ran deeper through the tunnel.

A monster? No way... I could be wrong but is this it? It might be the reason why my Father died. I also need to help her even though I have no experience in fighting monsters. Running after a long walk is already exhausting me to death. I'll have to keep up with my pace or I'm just a snail before I get there. 

"There! I see light!" I said panting but I didn't stop running. 

Wait...Light? in a cave? I was closer and I could hear loud noises from the place. I looked around me for a moment and it seems like they destroyed something. I could smell an aftermath of a dead fire. After reaching the light, what I saw was something I have never seen in my entire life.

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