Chapter 2

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"I-" he says while blushing. "I- It doesn't matter... not right now.. You can go now... If you want to.." he says in a sad tone.
"Thanks..." I left the building and  saw my home right across the street. I go into my house, thinking what was he about to say? I need to know. But hopefully I don't see him again. Not soon. I was tired out from being there for so long. I noticed the time being 10 p.m. I got ready for bed and.. well... went to bed.

~next morning~

I wake up around 7 in the morning. I sit up and rub my eyes and get used to the light. Then I went to go brush my hair, teeth, get dressed and overall get ready. I went back into my room to see Killua sitting on the windowsill. "What the hell are you doing here!?!" He smirked at me. "Well I just wanted to hang out..I know you will say no, but give me a chance. Please." And since I'm just to gullible I obviously gave him a second chance. "Alright. But this is your last chance, if you do anything bad, your not getting another chance. So be careful."
He came in my room and shut the window behind him. He disappeared from my sight and at that moment I felt a warm hand going from my left shoulder to my right. He set his head on my shoulder and ran his thumb across my bottom lip. Obviously it made be blush... a lot. "So.. what should we do today?" While smirking at me. "I- If you d- don't get off of me, I- I will take that s- second chance away." Damn! Why am I stuttering!

~Killua's POV~

"Alright! Jeez.." I said slowly getting off of her. I wanted to stay on her, but I wanted to earn her trust, and slowly get closer. I liked her. I couldn't tell her yesterday. I want to make her kinda like me before I tell her. I know now she hates me for what I did, and I don't blame her, who would still like someone that did what I did eight years ago. I want he r to give me a chance though, I- I can't bear her hating me. I try to move slow, but sometimes I just slip, I can't hold back sometimes. "So, do you want to watch a movie or something? Maybe go for a walk? What do you want to do?" I asked, hoping she would willingly hang out with me. "There is a movie I wanted to watch, it's a scary one, I have it I just didn't want to be alone watching it. After that we could go on a walk, there is a part of town I want to explore, and I also wanted someone to do that with too." She puts the movie in and we both sit on her bed. About thirty minutes in I realize it's gonna get really scary, I've seen that movie before. I pause the movie and she looks at me. "Why did you pause it?" She said, confused. "It's about to get really scary. You wanna go on?"
"Okay, but if it starts to get too much, tell me." We start watching again, and someone creeps up on the main character and begins to kill her. (Y/N) grabs my shirt and stuffs her face into my chest, my shirt starts to get wet and I know she's crying. I pause the movie and hold her tight. I start to get a little happy, knowing she trusts me enough to start crying on me, she had a pillow in her arms, she could have cried into that, but she chose me. She stoped crying and let go, she pulled away. "I- I'm sorry f- for that" she said, sitting on her knees looking down. I helped her calm down and we went on that walk.

~ (Y/N) P.O.V~

We went on the walk and saw a beehive, and a sign that said danger, I got scared and couldn't move, I told Killua and he picked me up and carried me home. We now went and had lunch at a cafe. The waitress came over and took our order, after that she asked if we were on a date. "N- no! It's not like that! We're just old friends!" I blurted out while blushing. Killua looked over at me and just smiled. I smiled back and my blushing faded. We chatted a little while waiting for the food. "So.. you've gotten to like me as a friend?" Killua said while gazing into my eyes. "W-what makes you say that!?"
"Well, earlier while watching the movie you chose to cry on me instead of the pillow in your hands, you called us old friends, and you didn't hesitate to ask me to carry you here."
"W- well, I guess right now we're friends.. B- BUT ONLY THAT!!!!!" Our food came, we ate then went home. Killua asked if we could have a sleepover. "U- umm sure."
"Okay, I'll set up a futon."
"You don't have to! I'd feel bad, so sleep up here with me." He starts to blush, then gets ready for bed. We get into bed and start to sleep, but before we do, he holds me close. I feel it comforting, his warmth.

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