Chapter 1

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Hope keeps driving after the call to the mysterious woman of Triad until she starts hearing two familiar voices arguing between each other. She stops the car and gets down. "If you intended to attack me by surprise, you shouldn't have started arguing" Hope shouts while crossing her arms waiting for them to appear.

Some seconds later, the Super squad shows from both sides of the road. The twins step in front with Kaleb and Cleo on one side and Mg and Finch on the other.
"I thought I left it really clear with your father what would happen if you challenged me" Hope says while smiling.
"Why did you have to do it Hope?" Lizzie asks stepping ahead.
"I thought the adult was the one who should deliver the message. Anyways I'm sure he somehow survived as always. This is nothing new, why are you so affected then Lizzie? Did your sister make you apologize and feel guilty about it?"
Lizzie reacts lifting her hand for doing a spell, but Josie stops her. "Hope, this isn't you, we know you are hurt and pain because of what had to do to Landon, but this is not the answer"
At hearing his name, she starts getting irritated and can't control it "You have no idea what I went through."
"Let us help you Hope. Like you helped me when I was also in a dark place" Josie adds causing Hope to chuckle.
"You are very mistaken if you think this is some teenage crisis where I just dye my hair dark, use a weird make up and finally show my real self. You can't talk me out of this" Hope sees how her answer shuts Josie but quickly Mg intervenes "We may have a plan for bringing Landon back, Hope. But we need your help."
"Stop...saying... his name"
"It is true, we made a backup plan in case it had to end like this." Josie says and immediately they all see a bit of hesitation in Hope's eyes.
"We never leave a member of the Super Squad behind" Mg adds after some seconds of silence.

At hearing it the little doubt it was starting to grow on her quickly dissipates. "So, your plan is just bore me to death with lies about fake friendships? I have to admit that it could have worked with the old Hope, all full of emotions and so blinded by her need to fit and have friends that she never saw the truth. But I'm finally free of all of it and see it very clearly. I was only your weapon, you never really cared about me or my feelings, for not talking how you couldn't care less about what would happen to him. Although taking into account past events, you hiding a way to get him back is very realistic"
Then Hope turns to Mg "Am I right or not Mg... but you know, the whole you consider him part of the squad was too obvious. I mean, not enough with killing him you also let him trapped in the Prison World without even a second thought."
"Hope, that is not fair, and you know it. He thought he was doing the right thing" Kaleb interrupts Hope.
"Oh, see who is talking now. Mister you are too impulsive than then proceeds to kidnap and try to kill me for a girl he barely knows from a week." Hope answers looking at him.
"You from all the people should understand that loves makes you do unreasonable things" Cleo says causing Hope to start laughing.
"Funny that you are the one saying that. Wasn't trying to get back someone you love just an all-consuming obsession or that standard was just for me?" Hope answers letting all of them without anything more to say back at her.
"No one has more arguments?" Hope asks while looking at all of them seeing the defeat in their faces. "Next time prepare better the dialogues.... also, if you intend to make someone invisible, hide their heartbeat" Hope says and before they can react she turns at vamps speed and extracts the heart she has been hearing during all the conversation.
Then she turns back to them and throws the lifeless body of Ethan to the floor. Hope sees how Cleo is holding hands with the twins that are on her sides while siphoning Finch and Mg, clearly preparing to attack her. "Oh, I lied... there isn't going to be a next time" She adds just before they throw to her a huge wall of fire that she easily stops with a barrier spell. Meanwhile she hears how Kaleb flies over the fire and tries to attack her from behind. But while maintaining the barrier spell that stops the fire with one hand, Hope catches Kaleb from the neck with the other. She lets him for some seconds struggle trying to free himself but clearly his strength is nothing compared to hers. Then she looks deeply into his eyes and smash his neck ending him.

She drops his body and turns her full attention to the barrier spell, adding a bit of effort she easily overcomes the fire wall by a magic wave that throws everyone else into the air. Hope starts to slowly walks towards them when Mg stands up and vamps speed towards her. Just before he could reach her, she whispers a spell immobilizing him. "All the superhero stuff has really got into your brain if you think you can challenge me" Hope says while getting closer to compel him "You were lying about the plan for saving him, no?" she whispers.
Mg tries to avoid answering but he can't "Yes, we thought that could make you come with us willingly and while making sure you won't hurt us"
"That is so low even from you. And I'm the supposedly the one without humanity... Oh, I know how I should end this" Hope smiles and sees how he is terrified. "Stay here still until... well until you die" Then Hope bites him in the neck. "Third time the charm, I guess" she adds before walking away to Cleo that was the closest to her.

She was struggling trying to get up since she was seriously injured, and all covered in blood from the hit of before. At hearing Hope, she lifts her head to looking at her. "Are you enjoying my full potential?" she asks but before Cleo could answer Hope hold her arms. "Unfortunately for you, I know I can't leave you alive with this whole inspiration thin. It could give hope to people about trying to turn me back, so you have to die. Although I guess is fair after you tried to kill me, but I won't fail" Cleo tries to answer but instead just coughs some blood and before she can try again, Hope breaks her neck.

"Josie, we need to go" Hope hears Finch say to Josie while she helps her trying to get up but before she does, Hope vamps speed to them. Finch tries to attack Hope but she easily catches and immobilizes her holding her from the neck facing Josie so she can see Finch. "Now you will start to understand what I felt" Hope says looking at Josie. When she notices Josie and Finch are staring at each other, Hope breaks her neck without any hesitation letting her lifeless body drop to the floor. Josie crawls to her body and starts crying while Hope just enjoys the scene.
"You know, this is all your fault. If while you had everything you wouldn't have started doing dark magic and then being so weak about it... nothing of this would have happened but I guess you are blaming everyone but you" Hope says while Josie starts to stand up to face Hope.
"You are a monster, like all your family. My dad should have never allowed you at the school" She shouts as she gets near.
Hope then holds her by the neck "You already made that really clear when we were young". Hope starts feeling how Josie tries to hurt her by siphoning her, but it doesn't really affect Hope. "This is a shame to Landon's memory. He would be so disappointed in you" Hope at hearing that loses her cool and abruptly closes her hand breaking her throat. "What were you trying to say?" she adds while dropping her dead body.

She finally walks to where Lizzie landed, the farthest from all. She seems to have a broken leg and wrist but nothing more. "Are you also going to kill me?" she asks shouting in a mix of rage and tears
"Mmmmm no, actually I need you to deliver a second, and for your good, last message" Hope then crouch to whisper directly into her ear "If someone ever tries to cross my way, they will end up like your sister"
Lizzie just turns her face from Hope disgusted. "You should be grateful to me, I have freed you from the merge and your annoying sister. Enjoy life without having to be at her shadow and forget about me" Hope then wait some seconds to see the message was clear and walks back to her car going through the bodies of her so-called friends.
She starts the engine and checks the phone to see how much time she has spent dealing with them. "I hope Triad is more interesting than this" she tells herself before driving away from the scene.

Loving You got me Killed /Hizzie Where stories live. Discover now