Meeting Selene and Acantha

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1.You were in the stores passing by, just wanting to look for something interesting when suddenly you bumped into a woman with arms full of shopping bags which fell down from her,"Sorry!" you said as you knelt down to pick up the bags, the woman giggled and said"is alright, is my fault", she knelt down too to pick up her bags, when you looked up, you saw that she had dark purple hair and purple eyes and clothes that matched them"Are you ok?"she asked with a soft voice, what do you do?

2. make it up

1.(In here this will be the first time that Draal and Selene meet, they weren't in love with each other yet) you were with Draal hanging around in the woods when then you listened a scream and shouts of fighting, you two decided to look what was going on when then you saw two gumm gumms fighting against...a human woman? she had dark purple hair and purple eyes, black clothes, some bruises and she seemed tired, you two were hesitant about what to do but she was alone in that fight, what do you do?

2. make it up



Camelot: You were working in the castle, you were a knight or a maid doing your job when then you saw Morgana coming with a woman that has a reddish brown hair and green eyes, you were suspicious about that strange woman,what do you do?

2.make it up


1. You were a gumm gumm, right now you were patrolling when you saw Bular going outside, you smelled something different on him, he smelled like fish but also like flowers, so in curiosity and suspicious you followed him, making sure that he doesn't see you, your eyes went wide when saw Bular with a human woman, she had reddish brown hair, green eyes and white skin, she greeted him with a smile, what do you do?

2. make it up

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 27, 2021 ⏰

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