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Alexis POV
"Hey guys it's Alexis, I'm still at the MAGCON tour and things are going on Twitter, but guess what I have Miss Mahogany lox here to tell you everything that happened." Then Mahogany popped out from the side "Hey guys well, everything on Twitter..." she paused why I stopped the video

Mahogany POV
"Hey guys well,everything on Twitter..." I stopped there I didn't know what to say I didn't know to say real or fake "babe you okay" Alexis says to me "do I say it's fake I don't know what to say" she just nods yes so now I know what to say " fake me nor Alexis like girls they just took the picture at the wrong time." she looked so hurt but she did the video "see now you know what really happened from Mahogany herself"
"Hey babe are you okay I love you soo much" I say trying to give her a kiss but she pulled away and took her computer to her room I fucked up maybe.😕

Alexis POV
When I walked off to my room I started to cry and I forgot Nash was there so he heard me "hey what's wrong I thought you were making video with Mahogany today" Nash says making me cry more "she didn't want to tell people we were dating and that just hurt me like she doesn't want me and I told her to pick and she picked wrong" I say trying to hold back my tears "well if we were dating I would want the whole world to know" he smiled at me that made me smile at him I know what I have to do but I'll do it later "baby I will love you forever and never will ever stop" he says kissing me I kiss back then I pull down his pants and gave him the best blow job ever, "I don't need anything bye Nash Grier got to talk to my girlfriend" I say and walk away.

"Hey Babe I'm soooo sorry I know you love me a lot and to say that must hurt you" Mahogany comes up to me and says "Wait what happened" Cameron walks over "nothing and it's okay I got over it and I posted the video we are just close friends to them" I say as I walk to the elevators to go get snacks from downstairs.

When I got downstairs a lot of people asked me if me and Mahogany were dating I said no but they kept asking so I left and walked down to the closest park and sat on the swings thinking, thinking about Nash, thinking about Matthew, and thinking about Mahogany I'm going crazy "hey a fan told me where you were" Nash told me, I just ran up to him hugged him really tight "i just need someone to love me like really love me don't just say it but mean it too" I looked at his face and hugged him again this time not letting go.

Nash POV
I like her, well I love her but I can't take someone's girlfriend that's wrong even though she fucked Taylor and dated Matthew and now Mahogany but, "I STILL HAVE FEELINGS FOR ALEXIS" wait did I say that out loud "wait like me" she started to blush and smile she is so beautiful "yea but let's go because it's cold" she nods and followed me to her room but screaming girls were in our way so I had to push through them.

"Do you really even love me you couldn't tell people we were going out" I hear Alexis says "well people think JOX is a thing and I need to keep that going if you loved me you'll understand, and anyways you FUCKED TAYLOR" Mahogany yells back I look at Alexis "YOU WANT TO KNOW WHY?" Alexis was yelling and Matthew came in that was just great "TAYLOR WOULDN'T LEAVE ME ALONE AND HE SAID THE ONLY WAY HE WOULD WAS IF I FUCK HIM SO I DID HIM BUT NOT LIKE THAT IM STILL A VIRGIN" Alexis dropped down and started crying I ran to her and picked her up and took to my room.

Matthew came in "shhhhhhh she's sleeping" I whispered to him before he can say anything "oh well tell me when she wakes up" he whispers back.

20 minutes Later
"NASH" Alexis yells and hugs me she didn't let go until everyone walked in the room "BABE IM so sorry I love you sooooo much" Alexis started to laugh "why did you yell then stopped" sh says to Mahogany "I don't know" we all laughed "can I talk to Mahogany for a minute" everyone left out and put their ears to the door

Alexis POV
"Mahogany I was thinking what are we going to do when we want a kid and I kinda want one now but you don't have to take care of it because I want it" she just stares at me "I don't know, I honestly don't know and if you do want a kid I will take care of it and help you because your my girlfriend and nobody's else's" I ran up and hugged her so tight "okay well my birthday is in 2 days so if I do it now I can be pregnant when I'm 19 okay" she makes a weird smile "how will we take care of this baby together if you live in LA and I don't" Mahogany has a good point "Well...I got Cameron and Nash" i say to her she looks kinda mad "well you do don't you,but I want to be there" she pulls me in for a hug and kiss.

1 hour later
I saw Nash everyone else went out for food I should've went "hey Nash" I say "yo what's up" "you want to get me pregnant" he starts laughing I don't see what's funny "are you serious" I pull him close "yes very" I say in my serious voice "well sure lets go"
So we walked down to my room well he walked and carried me. he made me unlock the door just so he can kick it open I laughed so hard, then he threw me on the bed "so you ready" I nodded he started to take off his then he took off my shirt, he is so freaking hot. As we began the touch hit it if you know what I mean he kept "is this good" he said by my moans he guessed I liked it "do you want me to go harder" I nodded my head he did go harder, you could hear the bed hitting the wall.

Cameron POV
I came back to the hotel because I got bored with Hayes I wanted to go see Alexis to see she is, so when I got down to her room I heard her moaning and Someone yelling then I found out who is was when she yelled Nash's name.
The bed hitting the wall and the yelling stopped I'm not telling Mahogany that would hurt her soo much.

Alexis POV
"Thank you for doing that it felt soo good" I said and started to laugh as we put our clothes back on. we walk out the door seeing Cameron so I hurried up and shut the door I opened it back up "heyyyy Cameron" I say weird "I'm not tell if you don't"Cameron tells me

What am I going to do 😧 if Mahogany finds out, but she agreed to it but not to fuck him

Hey guys how you like the chapter I hope you do and I love you all hope u love me too😊
-😝love ya❤️💋

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