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Alexis POV
I woke up right next to Matthew I forgot he slept over so I got from under him and trying not to wake him up but that failed "hey babe" I shouldn't yelled OMG HI but I didn't "oh hi your awake" I say kinda low his voice was very sexy I bit my lip "I need to go upstairs and get my things you want to come on tour with us" what do I do what should I say "well sure,I'll love to" he kissed me on my lips on walked out the door aww I'm falling for him that's bad.
I got a call from my best friend Maddie
M:hey girl I miss you
A:I miss you too you'll never guess what happened to me
M:you got a girlfriend
A:nope a boyfriend
M:what I'm confused
A:I like girls and boys but I have to go bye
That was the end I miss her so much I had a thing for her before and we almost kiss but we didn't too bad.
"hey Alexis" Mahogany said "what's up"
I said "ummm...the sky and clouds" I started to laugh "yea that's true" I say "I have to tell you something" she says
Mahogany POV
"I have to tell you something" I say to her as I get closer "what is it"she asked "I like you I never had these feelings before but I do now and you can't tell anyone about this" it was long but it had to come out. She grabbed my face and kissed me and I kissed back we just started to make out and we fell on the bed and was still kissing it was the best I ever had the #jox isn't real this is real. then we heard *knock knock* we got up and Alexis answered the door "hey Mahogany when did you get down here" Matt said "a while ago but it's all good" I responded "oh okay" I smiled at Alexis Matt walked out the room "Gus's what I'm going on tour with you guys" Alexis said I kissed her again "yayyyyyyy we can be BESTIES " I hug her and she hugged me back "don't tell anyone because a lot of bad stuff could happen" she nods her head
It's going to be a great tour but Matt is in our way of our love and I can't believe I have a lesbian love.
It's short and kinda good but I love this I love Mahogany not in that way if I made any mistakes I'm sorry. vote and comment please
-love ya❤️💋

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