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Alexis POV
I feel like I'm going crazy I don't know what to do like did I really kiss Mahogany and am I really dating Matthew,Now I have something to talk about while I'm in the shower and I'm bored.
I ran the water for my bath I feel like a dirty girl,not even a dirty way, I never cheated on someone before but when ever Mahogany gets alone with me it's just crazy I just don't know what to do.

20 minutes later
"Hey babe what's up" Matthew says as he grabs my hips and pulls me closer to him "oh nothing I need to get dressed I'll talk to you in a minute" I pull away from Matt.
"Yo Matt are you in here" I hear someone say but I didn't think anything of it and walked out there "wow you look nice" it was Taylor
"TAYLOR GET OUT RIGHT NOW WHY ARE YOU IN HERE" I was yelling because he just came in "I was looking for Matthew but you sexy girl" I blushed because how can anyone like my body to me I'm ugly "please get out" I say in the nicest way "if you kiss me I'll get out" well I didn't want him to watch me get dressed so I kissed him.
He pulled me in closer from just a little kiss to a full on make out "your so beautiful" he says as he starts taking off his shirt am I about to do it with Taylor "ummm I only believe in the back door for now" I had to say it I didn't want to lose my V card to him I bend over the bed,Well my hands on the bed and just bent over so my ass was sticking out "are you ready" he asked me I just nodded. He started pulling down his pants and now his little friend is out and he grabs my hips and moves me back and forth "ahhhhh this feels SOOO good go faster" I yell "shhhhh...not so loud we aren't allowed to do it in here" he covers my mouth but I bit him and put a pillow in my mouth.

10 minutes later
"That was nice I like you now" wait what does he mean now
"Wait you never liked me but you had sex with me?" I asked him
"Why are going crazy it was just a bad choice of words"Taylor says but that's when Matt walks back in "hey-yy babe...what are you doing" I say kind of scared he knew what I have done "what you doing in here Taylor" Matt asked
"I was just looking for you but then we just talked" Taylor explained
"Taylor leave now" Matt sounds so mad
"Dude I didn't do anything" Taylor say
"LEAVE NOW I NEED TO TALK WITH ALEXIS" I ran in the bathroom and Taylor left "ALEXIS" Matthew says as he bangs on the door
"Matthew leave me alone" I say crying a little
"DID YOU JUST FUCK MY FRIEND YOU LITTLE SLUT" he called me a slut making me cry more I eventually fell asleep on the floor in the bathroom.

1 hour later
When I woke up I saw I had a bunch of messages
Mahogany💋: hey girl where you at I miss you
Cameron: hey it's cam you want to go out for Starbucks
Matthew🌹:I'm sorry I didn't mean anything
Matthew🌹:please come out the bathroom
Taylor:you did good can't wait to see you again
I threw my phone because I was so mad my make up is running so I got up and rubbed some of the stuff of my face my clothes are cute so I left out the bathroom, called a taxi, grabbed my purse, and left.
The taxi came I hopped in real fast "hey baby girl where you going" the taxi driver says
"Umm...41105 candylover Dr." he nods and drove me there. "yeah home sweet home" I jumped on my couch and I got a text from my mom
Mom:hey daughter how are you
Alexis:hey nothing I miss you
Alexis:wow that's awesome tell John hi
She's getting married to a very rich man but money doesn't matter
Matthew🌹:babe where are you I'm sorry
Alexis:I'm sorry but we're over I don't think it's good we're together
Matthew🌹:what do u mean where are you
Alexis:I'm at my house

Matthew POV
I started banging on the door yelling she hurt me really bad if she did do something with him I hear her crying so I walk away.
Like an hour later I sent her so many text messages but she doesn't reply so I go back to the room and she wasn't in there anymore "Nash have u seen Alexis" I asked
"Yea she got in a taxi and left" he says why would she leave me

Alexis POV
"Hey Cameron is it too later to go out for Starbucks" I was on the phone with Cameron
"Nope just meet me there" okay so I need to drive there I was hoping he would pick me up but I drove there.
"Hey Alexis how are you" he hugs me
"Could be better just going through a lot" i sighed
"Oh I heard about you and Matthew"
"Yea we broke up for a stupid reason" I ordered my drink and Cameron ordered his
"He said you did Taylor" Cam says like I already don't know that
"Well I didn't and if your trying to put things on me I'm going to leave" I got up and walked away I'm soo pissed off

Mahogany lox POV
Well I haven't seen Alexis and she didn't answer my text maybe I should go to her house i called a cab and got to her house.
When I got there no one answered the door that's when I saw her pull up "OMG I MISSED YOU IM GOING THROUGH SOME THINGS BUT I MISSED YOU" she jumped into my arms "awww baby I missed you too"
"Umm you want to get in the hot tub you can wear one of my bathing suits" she asked me and I accepted.
I grabbed a bathing suit from Alexis then I put it on. When I stepped in the hot tub it felt all good inside of me "soo what's up, did Matthew brake you" I say

Alexis POV
"Nah not at all I have you and I can get anyone I want" I replied
"Yea I know you can" Mahogany says as she starts to kiss me. I moved until I was on top of her and the make out still didn't stop "like...what... are... we" I asked between each kiss "that's what I wanted to ask you" we both just start laughing "umm...Alexis would you go out with me" OMG she asked
"Yes I will" I started kissing again
"What's going on here" I got off of her and look it's Cameron
"Why it's just two best friends right here" I said
"If you guys are 'a thing' then you don't tell anyone" he tells me
"Yea we can't people thinks that #jox is a thing when it's not so let's keep it that way" Mahogany says and kisses me wow she is soo cute I love her so much already
I need to make a video... I should... yea I will so I went in my room put on some pjs it was just lingerie but you couldn't tell "babe what are you doing looking sexy" Mahogany pulls me in for a kiss but I pull away
"I'm going to make a video and these are pjs"
"Damn girl you look sexy" Cammy says yes I just called him Cammy
"Hey guys it's Alexis I'm at home but I left early because I got sick so now I'm at home with CAMERON DALLAS and MAHOGANY" they yelled out their names
"Yea we're just sitting here watching movies but a quick cover,
My lover's got humour
She's the giggle at a funeral
Knows everybody's disapproval
I should've worshipped her sooner

If the heavens ever did speak
She's the last true mouthpiece
Every Sunday's getting more bleak
A fresh poison each week,

'We were born sick, ' you heard them say it

My Church offers no absolutes
She tells me, 'Worship in the bedroom.'
The only heaven I'll be sent to
Is when I'm alone with you-

I was born sick,
But I love it
Command me to be well
Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen.

Take me to church
I'll worship like a dog at the shrine of your lies
I'll tell you my sins and you can sharpen your knife
Offer me that deathless death
Good God, let me give you my life

If I'm a pagan of the good times
My lover's the sunlight
To keep the Goddess on my side
She demands a sacrifice

Drain the whole sea
Get something shiny
Something meaty for the main course
That's a fine looking high horse
What you got in the stable?
We've a lot of starving faithful

That looks tasty
That looks plenty
This is hungry work

Take me to church
I'll worship like a dog at the shrine of your lies
I'll tell you my sins so you can sharpen your knife
Offer me my deathless death
Good God, let me give you my life

No Masters or Kings
When the Ritual begins
There is no sweeter innocence than our gentle sin

In the madness and soil of that sad earthly scene
Only then I am Human
Only then I am Clean
Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen.

Take me to church
I'll worship like a dog at the shrine of your lies
I'll tell you my sins and you can sharpen your knife
Offer me that deathless death
Good God, let me give you my life,I love this song but bye" and I ended the video I just record straight to YouTube so yea but if it's a vlog I will edit them
"Wow your a great singer" The bæ says
"Thank you Mahogany I'm sleepy" I say and grab her
"I am too let's take a nap" she replied
"What about me" Cameron said the third wheel of the group
"I have a second room stay there" I smile and walk away and went to sleep with the best girl ever

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