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Mahogany POV -2 days later-
Well today is Alexis birthday I don't know what to buy her and today MAGCON ends so she's going to leave me sadly but I could visit LA.

Alexis POV
When I woke up I saw Nash right next to me "hey happy birthday" his morning voice is soo sexy I looked down I had on his shirt I can't remember what happened yesterday lol😯.I got up and brushed my teeth and got in the shower then I brushed my hair. I put back on Nash's shirt just so I can go downstairs and get something to eat but first I went upstairs to Mahogany "Hey Mahogany wanna get something to eat with me" I gave her a kiss "yea and happy birthday, whose shirt are you wearing" she asked me in a weird voice "Nash's and no nothing happened between us" she smiled and kissed me.
We walked downstairs there was like 6 fans there they came up to us and asked for a picture so I took some "I ship you guys because you are just the cutest" I smiled "but we aren't dating" Mahogany said I just walked only to the bar area bought me some noodles I don't know why noodles but I did "is she like your girlfriend or something" the bar tender I read her name card it said Cora "no just really good friends" I says very irritated "oh you have to 18 or older to be at the bar" I rolled my eyes "I just turned 19 today so but I'm leaving anyways" I say and I grabbed my noodles and went back to my room.

The room
"NASHHH" I jumped on the bed almost making him fall off "what beauty sleep is important but impossible when you're around" Nash says siting up "you don't need beauty sleep your too hot for it" I made him laugh "you want some of my noodles" I asked handing him the bowl "yes I do birthday girl happy birthday" I kissed him on the lips but not sexual "thank you, Nash did we do something last night" I had to ask him "no"
I hear a knock on the door so I go and open it, it was Mahogany "WHY DID YOU LEAVE" she needs to stop yelling "I didn't want to eat down there" she rolled her eyes "ARE YOU FUCKING NASH" i ran to throw up I got up and went back to the room "no we aren't doing anything, You know what Mahogany I'm tired of hiding that we're dating and being here so I'm leaving bye" I say in a nice tone " I'm sorry don't leave I'm soo sorry" she tried to pull me in for a hug but I pull away and pack my bags.

At Airport
I was getting a snack from the vending machine when they called the airplane number so I had to move faster. I gave the lady my ticket and boarded the plane I texted Nash and Cam in a group chat
Me:hey guys
Nash👄:hey you on the plane
Cam💦:heyyy gurl
Me:yea and hey Cam
Nash👄:today is the last day so we'll be there in LA soon
Cam💦:what's ur address
Me:12280 candycane dr
Cam💦:that's close by us like really close
Nash👄:bye babe
Cam💦:don't call her babe that's Mahogany babe
Me:bye Nash and Cam 💋

I got a couple of messages from Mahogany didn't answer them I'm mad at her I need to take a nap.

5 hours later
Home sweet home Nash and Cam are on the plane right now. I got a text from a random person
?:hey Alexis
Me: umm who is this
?:Hayes we didn't talk much a MAGCON
Me:oh can I text u later

I got a knock on my door "WHO IS IS" I yelled as I walk to the door, I opened it and saw Nash and Cam "NASHHH" I jumped on him and gave him a kiss "Do I get a kiss too" I laugh and gave Cameron a kiss too "come in if your hungry I got apples and noodles" they just look at me.
I feel soo sick think that lady put something in my noodles "I'm going in my room to lay down okay" they nod and I left. "hey Alexis you okay" I turn and its Nash so I sat up "yea" "ALEXIS THIS ISNT WHERE YOU WERE BEFORE WHEN I CAME" Cam yells from the other room "WELL I DID MOVE" I yell back "I'm going in the hot tub you want to come in" I look at Nash he's just smiling.
In the hot tub I got so bored "Nash I'm just like Sam Smith" he looks at me "how" I look back at him and got closer "baby your my life support" he laughed Nash kissed me it was weird so I got out the hot tub.
I went in the house and got some babybel cheese its sooo good "cam I'm going to sleep" tell him "where is Nash and shall I come" he says " in the hot tube and no thank you" I ran to my room and went to sleep

Guys I'm bored if any of you would give me ur number or FaceTime ID I will FaceTime you before I go to bed and thanks for the ideas I'll think about it but if you don't like it go away not being rude or anything and sorry didn't feel like making a picture so I put my Bae Sam Smith 😝
-love ya❤️💋

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