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Mahogany POV
"Hey Alexis you want to go out today" I asked Alexis "Cam you too because I don't want people to think we're dating" I added
"Yea sure I'd love to and Cam come on" she said back and gave a peck on the lips "you guys are just the cutest couple maybe you should tell people" Cam says which is a really bad idea "no one knows I like girls and they won't know ever so that's not a good idea" A sassy tone

Alexis POV
"Yea I'm with Mahogany on that one people shouldn't know yet" I really want people to know though but I'm following what Mahogany does.
Me and Mahogany walked outside and no one was at the movies yet so we kissed and that was that but when I went on Twitter there was a picture of us "umm someone took a picture of us kissing and it's all over Twitter now" I told Mahogany "what do u mean" I show her my phone and she starts crying a little "how could this happen" I hug her "it's okay don't worry at least we're out" she starts smiling.

Mahogany POV
Matthew called me this couldn't be good
Matt😝:were you seriously kissing my ex, your not a lesbian
Me:well I can't really answer that so bye
Matt😝:NO AN-S
I hung up on him right in the middle of his sentence Alexis came over and hugged me I love her but I don't want to be called a lesbian "hey don't do that in front of me only if I'm joining in" Cameron says I start to laugh and hit him.

At Hotel room
I saw Alexis in her pjs they were more like lingerie it was soo sexy and she had on red lipstick got me feeling some type of way "want to wear some" she asked me I nodded and she gave me the black lingerie, she pushed me on the bed and gave me a kiss from my lips down to my legs then BOOM💣 "GUYS DID YO-" Taylor came in the room she covered up and got off her knees and I pulled the cover over me "what do you want" I say
"Ohhhhhhhh so what's on Twitter is true" Taylor says with a weird smile 😏
"JUST GET OUT PLEASE" Alexis yelled at him
"Don't be mad at me but Mahogany, I hit it first" then he just walked out the room "what does he mean Alexis" I had to ask her. She just looked at me "Its nothing, lets finish" Alexis gets back on her knees and kissed my inner thigh when Cameron came in "you FUCKED Taylor" he says looking straight at Alexis "GOSH NOTHING CAN BE PRIVATE HERE CAN IT MAHOGANY I HAVE TO GO TO MY ROOM" Alexis was mad so she kissed me bye and left no coat to cover up or anything.

Alexis POV
I ran out the room crying I didn't want Mahogany to know what I did, I know it was sluttly and I broke my relationship because of it,but he's telling people. I ran into Nash "Oh Damnnnn girl you look good, where you going like that" I smiled "my room, lets go and no your not getting any" I say "why not" he says and follows me.
"well there is two beds you can sleep there and I'll sleep here" he smiles "is true that you did Taylor and that your dating Mahogany" he asked well I guess it's going around "yes to both now go to sleep please"
I hope she still loves me after all that has happened 😕.

Love you guys soooo much 💋
-love ya❤️💋

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