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It was currently nine p.m we had spent two hours swimming our skin we're pruney like a olds persons skin and it was starting to get cold

I poked Nara trying to get his attention as soon as he turned around to face me I moved him a little farther from the group so we could talk

"IDOIT Since you pushed me into the pool with the only warm pjs I brought I have nothing else to wear and I'm freezing my ass off over here this is reminding about the first mistake you made you know the dumping water in me! " I yelled at him while I was holding myself. My body was trembling from the cold of his wet shirt on me and the slow breeze hitting my skin feeling like if ice was being pressed right onto my skin

"Oh sorry about that...-" he scratched the back of his neck looking like he was thinking of something "-I have some stuff in my room that you could use?" Nara said as he grabbed a towel from the stack of towels on a chair that was brought by one of the maids, he then handed it to me

I grabbed it and thanked him

"I don't want to get your house wet," I said wrapping the towel around my body

"It's fine I can clean it up later"

I nodded and we walked back to the group

"Okay let's get back to the cottage and have more fun there let's go"

Once I stepped foot into the cottage I could tell it was much warmer in here then outside

"Okay guys grab your stuff and chose which room y'all want there's five rooms in total" Nara said as everyone started to step inside he then pointed at me "you follow me"

He started walking towards the hall of rooms and want to the last room in between the rooms

He started walking towards the hall of rooms and want to the last room in between the rooms

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I followed staying right behind him as the other chose their rooms

He opened the door and walked in

I stepped in as well as soon as he did, his bed was covered with shopping bags from different high class stores 

he sat in the free space on his bed "The gifts I was talking about are all here I didn't want to get them wet, so i brought them to my room instead"

i stared at all the bags "I was expecting three or four gifts not a whole bed of them and to point out this bed is bigger then a King AC bed!" i pointed at each bag trying to count them all in my head.

"So my assistant have maybe went a bit over board, anyways somewhere in these bags there should be a nightgown or something" he grabbed the bag closesest to him and threw it me.

i caught it almost hittng me staright in the face "You were so close to your death Nara" i walked over to the bed and pushed his shoulder trying to make him scot over so i could sit down on the bed

"Prom~" ShikatemaWhere stories live. Discover now